Actions And Words Are Equally Important

There are experiments showing that some words cause changes in the brain. For example, destructive words increase the production of stress hormones. Encouraging words, on the other hand, promote the release of wellness hormones.
Actions and words are equally important

People who are not aware of the developments in language theory that have occurred since the early twentieth century continue to think that words do not hurt because they are ‘just words’. Today, however, we know that words are communicative acts. In other words, we know that actions and words are equally important.

In reality, we as humans are made up of words, which are only manifestations of our ideas. Ideas, in turn, are the building blocks of our culture. We relate to ourselves, others and every object in the world through our culture, ideas and words.

Words are part of the essence of man and they have a decisive influence on our lives. That’s why we say actions and words are equally important.

The only words that shouldn’t affect you are the words that have nothing to do with you at all. The words that do relate directly to you or the things you identify with, on the other hand, can leave deep wounds.

These wounds will not just disappear. They stay with you and shape your feelings, emotions and even your consciousness. Today, therefore, we can say that verbal expressions can be just as important as concrete actions.

Language and the impact it has on the brain

One of the most important discoveries is that all spoken expressions trigger reactions in the brain. Both positive and negative words create changes that researchers can observe.

Psychiatrists Mark Waldman and Andrew B. Newberg have conducted one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject. They are also the authors of the book Words Can Change Your Brain: 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict and Increase Intimacy.

Woman with words like her

This research shows, among other things, that interesting reactions in the brain can be observed in people who are told the words ‘yes’ or ‘no’. When a sentence begins with the word “no,” the brain makes more cortisol.

This is the stress hormone. However, if a sentence starts with the word ‘yes’, the brain actually produces more dopamine. Dopamine is the well-being hormone.

In addition, researchers from Friedrich Schiller University Jena show that affective and positive expressions activate the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. This area is related to self-image and emotional decision-making.

In other words, words of comfort and love improve your self-image and help you make better emotional decisions. These studies serve as evidence for the claim that actions and words are equally important.

Positive and Negative Words

Negative words are words that send a violent or aggressive message and can hurt a person in some way. These kinds of words have a much stronger and lasting impact than positive words.

Its impact is so great that just reading negative words can raise your anxiety level for just a few seconds. Words such as ‘death’, ‘illness’, ‘sorrow’, ‘pain’, ‘misery’ and the like can have a profound effect on someone.

Hurt and sad woman

Some studies even claim that one negative word does not equal one positive word. This is especially true when someone openly applies the negative word to someone else.

Some experts argue that to counteract the effect of a negative word, you need to hear five positive words. That means a single apology isn’t enough. It takes much more than that.

In addition, researchers have also noticed interesting phenomena in the work world. For example, there are studies that show that if you often give employees praise and appreciation for their work, they tend to work harder.

They are also often more cooperative and productive. As you can see, actions and words are equally important, even at work.

Be careful what you say

On average, a person uses about 70,000 words per day. Because talking is so normal to us, we often just take it for granted. Nevertheless, it is good to know that it is the essence of who and what we are and the basis of the way we relate to ourselves and others.

The way we use words can therefore make our lives better or worse. So make sure you use them correctly.

It is important to be careful with language. This is especially true in tense situations, situations involving conflict, and situations involving inner problems.

However, we don’t mean that you just have to pay attention to what you say to others. Also, be careful what you say to yourself. Sometimes all you need to do is take a step back to find the words that best express what you’re thinking or feeling.

Actions and words are equally important

Suppose you talk well to each other

The potential power of words is enormous. Colombian psychiatrist Carlos Cuéllar recommends at the beginning and end of the day write down in yourself what you are grateful for in life.

According to him, this simple act can significantly improve your physical and mental health. In our quest for well-being, let’s make words our allies, rather than a pitfall we can fall into. 

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