Being Outside Is Good For Body And Mind

Being outside is good for body and mind

Walking outside is pleasant and healthy for the body and it is also good for the brain and mind. Anyone who has ever done it can attest to this. But beyond personal anecdotes, it’s scientifically proven that spending time outdoors has many mental benefits.

Walking outdoors helps us fight negativity, it reduces stress and can even fight depression. The physical liberation you experience when you go outside helps you to feel a kind of mental liberation as well  and you feel more optimistic. But that is not everything…

Walking outdoors helps relieve depression

According to a study done by the University of Michigan, walking outdoors is associated with better mental health and more positivity. Also, being outside lowers feelings of depression and stress.

Girl Taking A Walk Outside Because Being Outside Is Good For You

A study from the University of Glasgow found that people who walked, cycled or run outdoors in nature had a lower risk of developing mental health problems than those who exercised indoors.

Walking outdoors can improve your focus and increase your creativity

According to a study published in the journal  Political Science  , spending time in nature is  good because it gives the brain a chance to rest from the over-stimulation of everyday life. And this can have a regenerative effect on the level of attention.

The constant multitasking of modern life puts a lot of strain on the areas of the brain responsible for reducing distraction when it comes to the creative thought process and identity development. A group of researchers from the University of Utah found that  spending a few days in nature increased creativity by 50%.

Nature helps us to calm down

Being near trees has a positive influence on us. It has been proven to reduce stress and lower high blood pressure. A study conducted in Japan, a country with long work hours and a high suicide rate, reveals that  being in nature reduces stress and protects against depression.

The sounds in nature have a lot of influence on our health and well-being. Various studies have shown that  nature sounds and the silence that nature brings with it has many benefits for our physical and mental health,  especially when it comes to dealing with stress.

The scents of nature also play an important role in the influence nature has on us. Our sense of smell is related to parts of the brain that are responsible for processing emotion. This way, scents have a direct and major impact. Trees and plants emit phytoncides, an organic compound that slows our breathing and reduces anxiety.

A Very Beautiful Forest Road

Water is good for the body and soul

A study by the University of Exeter on the important qualities of water and its role in our psychological well-being has shown that  the negative ions in water are natural antidepressants. These negative ions can be found in large quantities, even in an ice cube.

Therefore  , it is good for emotional health to walk near a lake, river or stream. If you can swim this is even better, because the blood vessels are dilated by the cold water. This stimulates the body to excrete toxins and release endorphins so that you feel good.

Nature helps us recover and strengthen our immune system

According to a study by Chalmers University in Sweden, open fields have a positive effect on our recovery. The study found that even looking at trees through a hospital window can improve recovery.

A group of researchers at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo found that  women who spent six hours in the forest over two days produced more white blood cells,  which fight viruses and tumors. The effect lasted for seven days. 

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