The Imperfect House: A Story To Ponder

This incredible story invites us to reflect on the value of hard work. It reminds us of the importance of always trying to give the best of ourselves and working hard, because eventually the world will figure out a way to give back to us.
The imperfect house: a story to ponder

The story of the imperfect house goes like this. Once upon a time there was a hopeful man who did not earn much money. He had hope in that he always envisioned a better future for himself.

He was a good hardworking man who was always disciplined and did everything he had to do without taking too many breaks. His goal was to earn more money, be able to provide for his family and live comfortably.

This man only had temporary, underpaid jobs. This left his family facing scarcity and financial difficulties. And the man’s wife always blamed him for the situation.

She always blamed her husband for not making enough money. They had almost nothing to eat and could never buy clothes or other important things. The man was always sad and anxious.

A chance

According to the story of the imperfect house, a great businessman opened a large furniture factory in the city where they lived. The man was the first to apply for one of the positions. He hoped his wife would appreciate his hard work.

Although the man was not trained, the contractor saw that he was a decent, hard-working person. So he decided to hire him and offer him a good salary.

The man and his wife were overjoyed. At that moment a new phase of their lives began. There was always food in the pantry and their children could concentrate on their schoolwork. In general, their lives changed for the better.

Set in the park

The story of the imperfect house takes an unexpected turn

The man tried to do his job the best he could. For that reason, he soon became a head carpenter. His family had everything they ever wanted, so they started wasting money on unnecessary things. They no longer bought only what they needed. They even bought lavish furniture that didn’t really fit their humble home.

However, one day the owner of the factory realized that his business was not making enough profit. As a result, he decided to close the factory and start a new business elsewhere. So won, so run.

The family in the story of the imperfect house again ran into financial difficulties. Despite everything, the good man quickly found another job. He became a bricklayer in a construction company and earned a modest salary.

His wife and children, who were already used to a better life, blamed the man. They didn’t want to go back to their old lives. So the man decided to ask for a raise in salary. His boss told him it was impossible right now, but he would consider giving him a raise in the future if he worked hard enough.

sad man

The Story of the Imperfect Home: A Reflection

The good man told his family what his boss told him, which upset them. They reminded him how hard he had worked in the factory, which in the end didn’t even matter because the company went bankrupt anyway. His family told him to learn from the past and not work so hard. In the end, they could fire him at any time.

At first, the man in our story ignored what they were saying. Over time, however, these words began to ring out. What was the point of trying so hard? From then on, he didn’t work so hard. He made houses with the worst materials and paid no attention to details.

After working for years, he finally decided to retire. When he informed his boss of his decision, he kindly asked him to build one last house.

He built that last house reluctantly and with hardly any interest. All he had in mind was his retirement. When he was done, his boss went to check the house, gave him the keys and said, “This house is for you.”

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