A Letter From A Grown Woman

A letter from a grown woman

As a woman, you know all too well that socially we are constantly being led to believe that adulthood is something we should avoid. Idealizing youthfulness, using cosmetics to avoid aging, are signs of a social structure that does not allow us to mature in a fulfilling way.

For a woman approaching adulthood, it is necessary to find an emotional point from which she can connect with her soul, her essence and her memories. Today we invite you to read a precious letter written by a woman on the verge of adulthood, with countless emotions to share and from which we can always learn.

Brave woman to defend what you believe

Beautiful woman on the outside, beautiful on the inside, with skin as beautiful as yours. Brave enough to stand up for what you believe in, but open and respectful of other opinions. This is how I felt during the deep, endless conversations we’ve had. Defender of children…you listened to me with your heart. We have spoken to the soul.

Growing Up As A Woman

Always ready to help. Demanding on yourself. Cheerful, fun, beautiful smile, warm, you won me over. Excessively precise, attentive, provided for everything. Loyal to yours until the end. Mother above all else, also a wife, sister, aunt, daughter. In love with the infinite, you appreciate the little things, you see people’s hearts.

Take responsibility for what you can

Woman of character, so emotional, loving and suffering at the same time. Do you remember? Take responsibility for what you can. There is nothing more you can give. And if you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll get sick, and you can’t help yourself. Each of us must carry ourselves and keep moving forward.

Growing Up As A Woman

You are valuable for who you are, not for what you do

I enjoy it, I cherish it and I turn it into a smile when I think of you. You are as delicious and exquisite as your tarts, in texture, creaminess, presentation, work and taste! Follow your path and don’t lose heart. You are valuable not only for what you do, but also for who you are, because if you weren’t you, you wouldn’t be doing so well.

Growing Up As A Woman

Filled with emotion, I will fondly remember the story of the tree. Planted a tree to remember life. The body perishes, but the soul is not forgotten. It remains present in the leaf, the fruit, the root, the seed, the star. As long as there’s someone who remembers, that tree won’t die. It will always exist again and only continue to grow.

Well, what more can I tell you, my darling. I’m so glad our paths crossed. There are always good people on the road…you just have to be able to recognize them and you are one of them. I give you oh so many hugs, with all the positive energy that merges with yours and that will never leave your side. I give you all my life and understanding. Yours sincerely.


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