Keep Calm, How Do You Do It?

Keep calm, how do you do it?

It is important that you realize the following. Keeping calm is something you can learn. Everyone has the genes from birth that determine whether he is more or less impulsive. Yet it is normal for us to be carried away by emotions and passions early in life, when the frontal lobe is not yet fully developed.

If you are lucky enough to grow up and develop in favorable conditions, you will learn how to deal with this. To act reasonably, you must control your impulses. You also realize that if you don’t have self-control, you will end up acting erratic. In the long run you will do or say things that will harm you.

The bad news is that not everyone has had an upbringing that promotes self-control. The good news is that you can educate yourself after childhood. You can become aware of the problem. Think about times in the past when you acted too quickly. You can learn from this how you can take action to correct this behavior.

It is true that this means suppressing your impulses. Because that is what it means to enter the civilized world. It always requires a certain amount of distance from those desires that work against coexistence with others.

But in reality, you yourself are the person who gets the most benefits from self-control. It prevents you from wasting emotional energy in a senseless way. In addition, it makes you more assertive. Later in this article, we will give you four pieces of advice. They are clues that show you how to stay calm when it’s most difficult.

Keep calm by immediately shutting down the stressful stimulus

The loss of control occurs when a stressful stimulus occurs. The term “stressful” refers to things that scare or threaten you. But they can also be things that question or counteract your desires.

Woman Painted In Motion And For Whom Keeping Calm Is Very Difficult

If you haven’t learned self-control, these incentives will make you defensive. This then manifests itself in aggression. As a result, you start screaming. You engage in violent acts and use insulting, hurtful or threatening language.

You can control these impulses if you are able to be still and be silent for twenty seconds. If you feel like it’s impossible not to respond, just get up. Step away from the situation for a moment, breathing in and out deeply. It’s true that you have to count to ten. The difference between a big success and a big failure is often those few seconds of stepping away from the situation.

Focus on your own body

It is very important that you train yourself to be attentive to everything that is happening in your body. Activate this state of mind whenever you feel uncomfortable with someone or something. Stop thinking about the external reality. Instead, focus on your physical reactions. The signals your body gives accompany the anxiety state you feel.

Concentrate on your breathing and your heart rate. Think about the temperature of your body. If you feel warm, refresh yourself with some water or fresh air. Check if your muscles are tense and stretch them. You may not realize it at the time. But you are already taking the situation into your own hands.

Girl Unzipping Her Zipper Making All kinds of Balloons Escape From Her Coat But Still Keeping Calm Isn't Hard For Her

To activate this way of thinking, incorporate the following words into your mind. Repeat continuously: “I want to understand my physical reactions.” If you notice something that confuses or annoys you, get in the habit of automatically thinking, “I want to understand my bodily reactions.” This sentence will lead to self-observation. As a result, you get yourself under control.

Practice, practice, practice

If you are one of these chronic cases (people who explode almost all the time and for almost any reason), then you urgently need to introduce an exercise sequence into your daily life. It is better if you exercise. Because that’s how you get rid of the excessive energy that you otherwise use against yourself.

It has been scientifically proven that exercise activates the production of various hormones that influence mood. Using physical energy also allows you to release that excess of emotional tension. Because it’s that pressure that keeps you feeling annoyed and on the verge of exploding. Movement and sports require discipline. That’s another way to train your ability to self-control.

Black with white bicycle next to a pink spot as an example of staying calm

So the objective here is not that you compete with others or want to win. It is important that you enjoy the activity. Listen to your body, listen in a space that gives you the freedom to move faster and with brighter energy.

It’s even better if it’s something that interests or delights you. But if you’re in a period where you don’t enjoy anything, just do the exercises at home on your own. You can also replace them with a daily quick walk. You will feel better very soon. 

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