Seven Situations Where You Really Get To Know Someone

Seven situations where you really get to know someone

Many of us have friends we’ve known all our lives; some of them continue to positively surprise us and at other times disappoint us. Sometimes we also meet new people who turn out to be great and who we keep getting to know.

Getting to know someone really well, both their positive and negative sides, requires a little more intimacy, more time and more contact than just a dinner here and there or sometimes a night out.

There are certain situations where you can really get to know someone. Some of these situations are very serious and others quite superficial, but all these situations give us the chance to see some inner aspects of someone that we have never seen before.

1. In stressful situations

When someone is in a stressful situation, even if the situation is not very serious, we can learn many things about him by looking at the way he handles this situation.

Some people in these situations become very nervous, aggressive, cannot think clearly, stop looking for a solution, but simply choose to just complain and sometimes even blame others for what happened to them.


Sometimes people also tend to avoid these kinds of situations, handing over their responsibilities to others because they think they won’t be good at it themselves or because they just don’t want to do it.

These situations are not that serious, but the way a person behaves when confronted with mild stressful situations can give us a picture of how he would deal with situations that would cause more stress in their life, more serious issues.

2. When he needs something

Some people only seek out others when they need a favor. And once they get what they needed, communication stops. It doesn’t even have to be that extreme. A lot of people lose interest for various reasons, which makes them no longer consider you.

For example, a friend at school, with whom you do all your work together and share all your free time, but who suddenly starts acting aloof outside school hours. That friend you used to go out with and who suddenly stopped hearing from her when she got into a relationship. That person you helped with his move and who suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth…

Knowing when your friends need you and when they don’t will give you an idea of ​​what these people actually are like. Whatever they say, it’s especially important to look at the way they behave.

3. When you live together

Living together is the ultimate test to find out how someone really works. If he respects your personal space, respects your stuff and doesn’t constantly argue about the most absurd things… This way you will be able to find out if you are really able to share your life with this person or just live your life in his house, which often seems to be much less of the two of you.


You’ll be able to tell if both of you are willing to make time to talk about your problems from time to time, if he’ll help you when you’re sick, if he’s willing or not to compromise on things like bills, appointments or minor damage in your shared home.

And you can find out whether there is a healthy degree of dependence or not and whether this person is selfish or not. He may be very friendly on the street, but be very hostile when you are at home together.

4. When you talk about other people

It is normal to occasionally comment on another person, especially when two people have the same friends or have a shared domain (same workplace, sport, social circle…). Talking about others doesn’t necessarily mean you have no respect for them.

However, when someone is constantly judging others, constantly analyzing whether their life is better or worse than theirs, or when they pass on the secrets of others to you, it can say a lot about this person.

5. In the case of money matters

It’s hard to tell if someone is really selfish. Therefore, you need to find out whether someone is doing you a favor only because you have done him a favor and because he knows that he may be able to expect something in return at a later time. However, this is not a genuine form of generosity; it always comes from self-interest.

When we have money problems ourselves and that person does not take our situation into account or even takes advantage of it to reclaim something unjust from the past, then we can find out what kind of person we are dealing with.


Even if he lends you money, if he does so involuntarily, constantly asks when he will get his money back or talks to others about what he has done for you, this puts you in a pretty awkward situation.

6. When you are successful or happy

A friend should be there for you in both happy and sad moments. You often hear that insincere friends will abandon you when you are going through a rough time and only think of you when it comes to something nice.

However, it can also be the other way around: that a friend is right by your side to listen to you when everything is going wrong in your life and then knock you down and bother you when things are going extremely well in your life. Friends who become envious or show false happiness when things are going well are not good for you.

7. Difficult situations where you need help

Difficult situation

We experience many worrying situations throughout our lives and it is essential that we can count on the support of our friends in these situations.

Surprisingly, it is precisely in moments like these, when you really need someone’s attention and affection, that you may find that they are acting indifferent, being harsh or unwilling to really support you. In fact, someone may act very aloof and constantly give more importance to other people’s problems than your problems. Even if the situation you are going through is very dramatic.

So try to surround yourself with the best people and try to be such a person yourself. Never forget to treat others as you would like to be treated. A group of very good friends is a very valuable treasure that you must be able to collect, keep and appreciate for yourself.

–Images courtesy of Nicolette Ceccoli and Kukula–

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