The Woman’s Heart Is The Strongest Place In The World

The woman's heart is the strongest place in the world

Who ever said that the woman’s heart is weak, was wrong. Few things thump with as much force as the soul of a woman who loves her family and friends. Emotions, balance and intuition, everything is in her and this makes it the most powerful place in nature.

It is an immense space where everyone fits in, where everyone is looked after. The woman’s heart is loyal to its principles and its values. It has fought its way through so many scenarios that it keeps its victories to itself and sees its disappointments as the paths it has taken, from which there is always a lesson to be learned.

Sometimes the heart breathes with a scar, but as a result, it does not become smaller or weaker. It knows that sometimes life hurts, that disappointments happen… and yet because of the pain of these experiences it continues to gain resilience.

We live in a society where there is tremendous appreciation for the qualities associated with masculinity, such as the ability to display dominance, power and security or the most logical reasoning imaginable. In reality, these are concepts that are not so much ‘masculine’, but rather features of modernity itself.

On the other hand, and in an almost traditional way  , the aspects that we often associate with the female character are still kept in the background, as if they are associated in some way with ‘weakness’: intuition, emotions, sensitivity, empathy…

Confusing these characteristics with human vulnerability is a serious mistake. The woman’s heart rests on these pillars and this is a clear example of the most unshakable power. We invite you to discover it.

Only you know the battles you have to end

Woman and Birds

What a woman has gone through and endured in her lifetime is something only she knows. And she prefers not to talk about many of these things; she prefers to keep them to herself because they are chapters she had to go through in silence to build her own life.

No one can change who brought him into the world. We cannot change the people we meet on our way, nor our own world, but there is one thing you can do and that is create yourself. Accept, let go and rise again with indestructible pride.

Every battle you endure can make you stronger and teach you which paths to take and which to avoid, because thanks to these high points in life, your feminine heart has already become wise. And wisdom sometimes implies a life that has many disappointments, but at the same time it implies the knowledge that life would not be the same without pain.

All the wounds you’ve healed

You have women who let themselves beat. You have women who give in to failed relationships and who become silent and let themselves be carried away by the fear of reacting. Through a fear of being alone or perhaps finding something worse for themselves. Remember that the heart of a strong woman is also courageous. It knows how to sever all those ties that once harmed her, it knows there are times when she has to make herself her top priority.

Being strong doesn’t mean having muscles or acting with brute force. Being strong also doesn’t mean closing your eyes and pretending nothing is wrong. Being strong implies that you know how to be enough with yourself and that you know what it takes. It is the ability to sustain oneself and start living again.

The woman’s heart is not afraid to get in touch with her essence


Your essence is what your strength does not and what makes up your heart: emotions, intuition, empathy… You know how to listen to that little voice in your head that both connects to things that are far away and unites you with the wounds of the world .

You know how to interpret the expressions of others, you can anticipate their reactions, sense their sadness and become infected with their happiness. And from this point there will be no shortage of people who tell you that you are a little sorceress, but you smile quietly, because you know that ‘you don’t know everything’ , that life is a learning path and that you let yourself be guided through loyalty and love for the people around you.

The lives of your loved ones fit in your heart

Whoever says there is room for everyone in a woman’s heart is wrong. You have come to a point in your life where you know very well who does and does not deserve to be let in.

Today your heart beats calmly because you have left behind the people who have hurt you. No one is selfish because he closes the doors to his heart to people who didn’t deserve to stay there. That is wisdom, that is prudence and above all it is taking care of yourself.

Only the people you love most and who have given meaning to your life dwell in your wise soul. Your heart is the best place for a child to grow up, it’s the best place you can share with that companion who deserves it so much…

But the woman’s heart also deserves to have a great place for themselves. To take care of themselves, to heal themselves, to be free and to be happy with themselves. With what it is and what it has achieved…

Woman with Child

–Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay, Lucy Campbell–

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