To Love Means To Be There For Each Other

Loving means being there for each other

This wonderful short film from the BBC teaches us that those who value and love their loved ones are there for each other; in body, mind, heart and above all in intention. Because if there is one thing that all children need, for example, it is the attention of that mother or father who can sense needs, who can approve something with a glance, who can embrace with a smile and who is on time and in the right place. moment to respond.

At Christmas this year, Britain’s most famous channel is treating us to a short film full of tenderness and meaning. This small audiovisual work, lasting just over two minutes, tells the story of a ten-year-old girl and her father, a single-parent family, during the crazy, silly days of Christmas, as we can all experience them.

There are several reasons why this short film from the BBC has turned into a viral phenomenon. The first is because of its visual charm, its technical expertise and the wonderful digital resources that bring us closer to history. The second reason is obvious: the message the film brings us invites us to deep reflection and an obligatory self-evaluation.

If love means being there for each other, are we taking good care of our neighbors?

Father and daughter shopping together

A Christmas greeting with a message

The BBC’s creative team has triumphed this year with its short film, which has put a lot of thought into the musical accompaniment. In addition, the well-known puppeteers MacKinnon & Saunders contributed to it. The latter have previously worked with Tim Burton in popular films such as ‘Frankenweenie’ or ‘Corpse Bride’. Moreover, the producers of the television channel were looking for something that would be somewhere in the middle between the artisanal and the refined, where the reflection of the emotional part would come out stronger.

The Supporting Act gives us a simple message: love is being there for each other. Something that we sometimes forget, immersed as we are in our responsibilities and endless daily tasks, which makes us neglect the most important.

In the story we meet a lively and charming girl of ten years old. The little girl is very excited about the Christmas show she has to prepare for school. It is nothing more and nothing less than a musical performance in which she will perform a complex choreography. She practices and practices, at any time and any place.

In each scene, in which our gaze is hypnotized by the girl’s skilful dance steps, we witness a different reality at the same time. We see the main character’s father always busy and constantly busy, with his eyes fixed on his mobile phone, busy with household chores, shopping, with the Christmas decorations…

The daily pressures and responsibilities that define and accompany us all often overshadow things that happen right in front of us, things that really require our attention…

Father and daughter dancing together

Loving is being there for each other and knowing how to respond at the right time

We all love our parents, our siblings, our partners, our children and our friends. However, it is not enough just to feel this, we have to be able to be there for them, to make love a growth channel. A valuable and intuitive tool that allows us to generate help, to approve, to help, to make people laugh, to comfort, to cheer and to create happiness. Good luck .

The father in our short film is present, but most of the time his presence is a clear absence for the girl who craves his attention, a word of admiration or joy, or even – why not – a little piece of advice. The little girl needs her father to share her enthusiasm, the echo of her joy and the mirror of the moment in her life that, like it or not, will never happen again.

This is exactly what the BBC was looking for when creating this tender short film. They wanted to wake us up from our daily lethargy of responsibilities and tasks (more intensely if possible during the Christmas season), to show us what is really important during the holiday season, just like on other ordinary days: our neighbors, the people of who we love. They are our daily gift, they are the ones to whom we must give our real attention, to whom we must give visible support.

The answer that the father finally gives to his daughter is unforgettable. Because whether we believe it or not, he reacts on time and in the most admirable way. Watching this Christmas short film is almost mandatory and the enjoyment of it is inevitable

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