A Short Film About How Love Can Change Us

A short film about how love can change us

What happens when love suddenly appears in your life? What happens to your hobbies and interests? Could it be that these just disappear or, on the contrary, do they just stay with us? What is the best option?

We all have a few interests, hobbies, and preferences that we forge throughout our lives. Some like to listen to music, while others would rather read a book. There are also people who love to dance or who like to go for a walk, for example… We have a whole universe of possibilities at our disposal to choose the things we like the most.

But suddenly love appears in our lives and two very different worlds are united by the attraction between two people. How can you best connect these two realities? What can you do? In this article we share a short film that will make you think about this…

And suddenly love appears

It could just happen to you, just like how it happened to the main character in this movie, that you love something very much or enjoy a particular hobby or sport. So much so that your daily life is meaningless if you couldn’t devote at least a few minutes a day to this hobby or sport… Your routine is somehow driven by something we would call a passion and you can live your life without this passion absolutely not imagine.


But then suddenly love can appear in your life without warning, as it often does, and it changes the whole structure of your life. This person will be the apple of your eye. Unknowingly, he/she has messed up all your plans in order to offer you something new and wonderful for you to enjoy together: love.

Together you put together a beautiful story, in which you can share everything with each other, valuable experiences and unique moments. Your desire and your foolish infatuation turn your daily life into something completely different from what you were used to before.

Maybe you don’t spend as much time on what you loved so much or maybe you’ve even completely forgotten about it. Because you are ‘in love’, your mind is constantly occupied with that other person and the desire to spend more time with him/her… This infatuation is more important than your routine for a while.

Loving requires two people, yet we are each still one

Indeed, when we are in love we change, as we view the person we are in love with in an idealized way. And we dream of experiences where everything seems great. Still, we must try to get rid of that pink cloud. If we don’t do this, the blow could eventually become much too big…

Together in the cinema

Not idealizing is almost impossible when you are a prisoner of this crazy crush. However, be careful not to linger in this state for too long. The day you realize that the other person isn’t quite what you expected, the frustration can be way too intense and the disappointment very cruel…

Another aspect to keep in mind is that you don’t have to pretend to be anything different to love than you actually are. In a relationship, you have to be authentic and transparent, despite your fears. You shouldn’t put aside the person you really are just to get someone else to like you. In doing so, you cheat yourself twice: first, because you’re fooling yourself, and second, because you’re fooling the other person, and in both cases you make your true self invisible.

Invisibility and trying to be ideal are not good ingredients to build a relationship with. When you are in love, it is the sincerity that makes you shine, that you can see right through your eyes and you are able to show that other person not only your inner light, but also your inner darkness. … and then continue hand in hand on the path you have built together. In love, the most important thing is to be true to yourself, so that the other person has the chance to get to know you.

In the short film we want to talk about, the main character completely forgets this. He does the complete opposite: he drops one of his hobbies so that his partner will be happy and content… And you, what would you give up for love?

In love empathy is always important

If we took a moment to think about love, maybe we’d look at this short film in a different way. Then we would associate the film with the power that empathy can have over a relationship.

Between two people, empathy is a force that is on the side of the relationship. By being empathetic towards our partner, we are able to comprehend his emotional world and understand how he is feeling at certain times. And this empathy would serve as a guideline for how we should behave and communicate with this other person. Putting yourself in your partner’s shoes will make the bond between the two of you stronger.

Just like in this short film, where the hen seems to be sensitive and sad when she finds out that her partner loves eggs, where she comes from… and without demands, this simple gift allows her partner to express her feelings. and decides to end his behavior so she won’t be sad…

Relationships are complicated, but this doesn’t make them any less beautiful. The most important thing is to grow together and still be yourself.

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