I’ve Decided Not To Make A Bad Day Out Of A Bad Moment

I've decided not to make a bad day out of a bad moment

Today I have decided that a bad moment, an altercation, criticism that may not be true, is just a passing cloud that will not ruin my days anymore. A bad moment is not the same as a bad life  and I deserve to be happy.

We are sure that  you also experience those periods when the bad moments continue to follow each other until, without us knowing how, they have formed a storm of negativity. These are the phases when stress and anxiety stick to us like a second skin.

A bad moment that you didn’t handle well can turn into sadness, anger or frustration. Negative emotions that you don’t want to face are like the dark smoke in a chimney that has to go out, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.

Deep down, and if you think about it for a few seconds, we will realize that  there are very few days that end without you having had at least one bad moment,  no matter how insignificant it may be.

An argument, a misunderstanding, a disappointment, an unexpected meeting that we did not want, a rude gesture, an insult, bad news, something that breaks, something you have lost, a bad memory that suddenly comes back… as said, these things are common, so within this spectrum there are definitely things that are less important and things that are more serious. All these things must be faced with calmness and emotional intelligence.

A bad moment is not a bad life


We all experience complicated situations throughout the day. There are people who deal with such a bad moment less well than others,  to the point that so much anger builds up that they go to bed at night with a headache, convinced that they are living a “rotten life”. Do you know someone who does this?

Life is knowing how to accept that there are both good and bad moments. If we are not willing to confront the bad moments every day, we also let all the good moments escape  because we remain trapped in these negative emotions. Learn to let them go.

It is very likely that you also have such a person in your environment  who, when confronted with an argument, is unable to end it and move on. The anger, the anger, wanting to be right, the feeling that your whole day is ruined, not being able to stop thinking about it, it all goes through their heads.

If there is something that bothers them, if something unexpected happens, they always react with anger.  They raise their voices and they start gesturing. People who turn a bad moment into a bad day always live defensively and see the world as their enemy.

The world is not your enemy. There are people who get angry at what they don’t understand and what they can’t control. For example, an argument with their partner is something that is normal, but there are people who don’t have the right strategies and see the world as an insult. They cannot empathize or understand another’s point of view.

Life makes us have bad moments every day, but instead of reacting with thoughts like “everything bad always happens to me” it  is better to understand as early as possible how to resolve the conflict and accept it… and so you can pick up the day again.

Happy Cloud

When you stop worrying, you will enjoy your life

It’s easy to say but… How do you do it? How can I stop worrying? By balancing your life and prioritizing what really matters: your well-being.

Everything can change at any time. It is important to have a good attitude towards life, to fill your heart with hope and to avoid becoming bitter so that you can really enjoy the good moments. You have to give yourself permission to be happy and this is why it is important to keep in mind how to deal with these bad moments.

  • Understand that bad things happen. Problems can be solved, criticism does not define who you are, the people who make you unhappy are not worth your time and your tears.
  • Deactivate all your negative emotions, first by understanding them and then channeling them. An argument doesn’t end by raising your voice. Maybe you should give it some time, take some distance to clear your head.
  • That bad moment can be followed every day by a great day if you let it. Say ‘no’ to these recurring negative thoughts, control the evil thoughts,  those thoughts that make us think that our life is really bad. Avoid all that mental noise that has such major consequences.
  • Free yourself from negative rumours: take a moment for yourself and  beat your negative emotions with new hope,  with new short-term projects.

A moment devoted to reflection, calm and thinking about ourselves is an investment in our future.

Woman with Pisces

–Image courtesy of Moon Jong Hyeok–

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