How Do You Know If Your Partner Really Cares About You?

How do you know if your partner really cares about you?
You may find the topic of this article a little naive. Who can’t come to the conclusion for himself whether his partner loves him or not? But people are not perfect, sometimes we make mistakes and some mistakes hurt more than others. We know this. And there are plenty of men and women who have spent an awful lot of their time – and their lives – with a partner who never really loved them the way they deserved. Or the way they’d hoped. Maybe they have been cheated. Or maybe their partners never cared enough about the commitment they made.

These are often the mistakes that hurt the most. The mistakes that make us feel the worst and are emotionally destructive to those who suffer from them. Because so much time, energy and hope has been invested, because they may have given up on things that were incredibly important to them at some point in their lives…all for someone who may never have dared to give in to their love. Or who simply wasn’t willing to commit and give the relationship a chance. It is therefore absolutely important that we can recognize the following clues. These are aspects that you probably already know, but are worth keeping in mind and thinking about.

1. Interest in the little things

By interest, we don’t just mean that your partner asks you little things like “Did you sleep well?” ‘What time do you go to work?’ ‘When do I see you again?’ No, interest is much more apparent in the way he looks at you, in his gestures, and in the small details. It shows in realizing that he’s thinking about you when he gets home and genuinely wanting to know what’s bothering you. Want to know everything about your yesterday, today, and tomorrow. From being interested in the details of your childhood, the unimportant obsessions you have now, and in your thoughts about the future. We will know that we are important to a person if his need to know about us and his concern is genuine, and we can tell this from his verbal and non-verbal communication, from the extent to which he shows empathy and above all, from the degree to which he is sincere. Interest is visible, noticeable and palpable.

2. Dedication

Dedication is necessary to maintain and grow in our feelings and relationships. This means that there must be a concern for tomorrow, when both individuals are still working together for a common goal. We may have a genuine and fulfilling relationship, but if we don’t have a shared desire to achieve more, to reach the same horizon, then surely contradictions will arise at some point. And more importantly, a difference in needs.

One will be happy about that weekend away, and the other will feel a void because it is still not certain whether a family will ever be formed together or not. We must be careful of empty promises, those that put plasters on the wounds of the present, with which we build castles in the air that are slowly crumbling. We have to be intuitive and we have to be aware of the details, of the plans that go unfulfilled and of the excuses that open the way for reproach.

3. The need to be together

Nothing is more fundamental and simpler. Sharing time, space, moments, possibilities, sounds, and silences… No last minute excuses that put a damper on the deal, used to spend more time outdoors than is justifiable. The time we spend as a couple should be filled with mutual understanding and pleasure, and it should bring us a sense of well-being. We don’t have to be on each other’s lips 24 hours a day, of course, not at all… but we don’t really know that we are important to someone until we realize that the need to spend time together exists, and most importantly, that the shared time worth sharing.

4. The importance of communication

How is the communication between you and your partner? Is there understanding and empathy? Is he genuinely listening to you? Does he remember your words, ideas and comments? It is essential to pay attention to these dialogues because they can tell you a lot. Look carefully for genuine interest, and look carefully at that look in which you see yourself reflected. Do his words bring you happiness or do they harm?

What we should never notice is indifference. Absolutely not. That fog in which our feelings begin to fray and in which our words no longer have the power to protect our self-esteem and to avoid being left in a situation that, far from giving us hope, will only cause us more pain. can deliver…

Images Courtesy of Benjamin Lacombe

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