How Much You Lose Because Of Fear

How much you lose because of fear

Sometimes  fear overtakes us and plunges us into the atmosphere. And so you are caught by it and everything around you seems different, foggy. As if you are wearing fogged glasses and your eyesight is out of focus because of this.

These are the stains of fear, of assumptions,  of our “what if” and “maybe”, what we should have done, which put obstacles in our path. How many times has it stopped us from moving forward? How much have we lost thanks to the fear of losing?

And sometimes the cloth we use to clean the stains on those glasses only makes them dirtier instead of cleaning them. The solution, strategy or alternative we have chosen only soothes the fear, but it also nourishes it and makes it stronger.

It’s like trying to tell someone who’s really mad to calm down and that only makes them angrier. As if we tell ourselves not to think about something, only to think about it more often.

The spots that obscure our vision  blind us to things happening around us  and we walk through the mist, stumbling between the confusion and uncertainty.


At other times we stand up to the fear…  We keep fighting it in a thousand different ways, but all of them lead to loss and fatigue. Not only are we fighting the fear, but we also need to understand and accept it so we can figure out what’s going on.

You need to be able to feel fear so you can learn what it wants to tell us, just without the extremes.

And sometimes it’s the fear of fear that traps us, leaving us  only the stains of expectations and assumptions. We envision an uncertain future that is terrifying and real in those moments. This is when we start to lose things, or people or experiences, because we are afraid of losing them.

Because of the fear of loss, your decisions change. Because of the fear of loss, you are content with the way you are. Because of the fear of loss, you no longer take any risks, but you remain in the certainty that is known to you. Because of the fear of loss, you are silent instead of speaking out. Because of the fear of loss, you have done so much not to lose someone or something, that you have sometimes created situations that made you lose them.

Never stop doing something for fear of losing. For nothing or no one, not even for yourself. The greatest danger comes when you stop trying for fear of losing.


Keep in mind that  fear arises in the unknown, in the belief that we have no control over something, someone or ourselves.

Fear makes us lose and loss makes us anxious. Fear is a sign that something is happening inside us, but it shouldn’t break us.

Fear is a projection of the future,  the power of the imagination in motion, where you anticipate situations and experiences, probably because something didn’t happen the way you expected it to. The fear of loss takes place in a future that does not exist and it steals power from our minds,  making achieving our dream impossible and losing countless possibilities.

The fear of loss creates a life of loss. We lose ourselves because this only happens in the present and the future remains a mystery. Living in fear causes you to not allow yourself to live,  thereby disconnecting you from the here and now.

So  go live your life!


I won’t promise you that you will never suffer loss in your life, that is impossible, but you will learn to live despite loss, to fight for what you want to achieve and most importantly, not to cheat yourself.

Otherwise, how much are you willing to keep losing ?

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