Like It Or Not, Unforeseen Events Happen

Like it or not, unforeseen events happen

Although unforeseen events will happen, we can prepare for them and be better able to enjoy the things we have no control over.

What is the purpose of life? To experience it or to keep it under control? Living our life will make us happy, but controlling it will never bring us joy. That is why we should enjoy life to the fullest.

Usually the word ‘unforeseen’ refers to things that surprise us. We must therefore know how to distinguish the unforeseen from the anticipated.

We should not deceive ourselves by calling unforeseen situations that we have not tried to avoid out of laziness or forgetfulness. A lack of foresight always leads to improvisation.

The worst thing about unforeseen events is that, as soon as they happen, we become so busy looking for solutions that we forget to ask ourselves if we could have seen them coming. And when we realize it’s too late to fix the problem, we usually feel discouraged and helpless.

How to prepare for the unforeseen events in your life

Sometimes life disrupts everything, including the problems we think we have. Existence is not what we think or want. It’s what happens to us. By acting only on what happens to us, and not on what we imagine or want, we can deal with all unforeseen events.

Woman thinks about life

While it isn’t always easy to survive the unexpected, it isn’t impossible either. First of all, it is important to understand that unforeseen events will happen. So it is better to be well prepared for them when they happen and to gather the right resources to deal with them.

Here are four tips to deal with unforeseen events much better:

  • Make a plan B. Make sure you always have several options to choose from.
  • Anticipation. Think of the most likely events that could occur. Then come up with a contingency plan for each of these events.
  • Make decisions with confidence. Even if you don’t have all the information before the contingency occurs, you should trust that you know what’s best in each situation.
  • Ask for help. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that something has caught you off guard and that you need a helping hand.

Some need control so much that they forget to live

Some people think they can control everything. This belief is related to how our memory plays tricks on us by judging the facts and manipulating information to support our choices. This can lead to a management error.

Man considers possible solutions

People who are obsessed with control don’t really enjoy life. They assume that they are responsible for everything that happens around them. On the one hand, this can make them all-powerful.

However, on the other hand, it can also lead them to believe that they are not capable of dealing with their own problems and that they are externally controlled by others or by their circumstances.

These characteristics make them very obsessive and controlling, leaving little room for silly or funny situations. In addition , it can cause them a lot of suffering if they have no control over something.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) makes us think about the usefulness of control. While it is true that most situations can be handled through conscious effort, the opposite is true for a small number of situations. The more we try to control them, the more uncontrollable and traumatic they become.

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