The Tree Loses Its Leaves, But Remains Upright

The tree loses its leaves, but stands up on its own

We all go through difficult times in our lives. There’s nothing we can do about this. No matter how hard we fight, try our best to be happy and try to give our dreams everything, we will always have to endure negative moments. The tree loses its leaves, but remains upright on its own. And so we should never, ever give up.

The tree survives because it has strong roots. We all know that it is impossible not to lose a single leaf in our lifetime. Autumn comes and then that cruel and cold winter, but the tree stands upright even when it goes through a bad period. Deep down you know that tomorrow it will be warmer again, that it will be summer again one day and that you will regain your strength and vitality.

The tree remains standing because it has strong roots

The tree will stand forever, because it knows that its roots are strong. These roots are so firmly rooted in the ground that even the heaviest storm cannot knock the tree over.


Some days are so hard that the cold penetrates all the way to our bones, yet the tree still stands. Even if it loses all its leaves due to the wind, frost and weather, the tree remains in place. Suffering, but unshakable, in his place, where no one can get him off.

Perhaps one day the tree will have no leaves at all.  A day when circumstances are so fierce that he loses all his bliss. Even then, however, the tree still stands, because it knows that one day it can enjoy happier times again. The tree has the roots it needs in order not to be blown over. He will remain standing until the light comes back into his life.

The tree remains standing and you are that tree

Now imagine that you are that tree. You have to stay upright. No matter how cold it gets, no matter how much others hurt you, you must hold on to your strong roots. Be immobile, unbeatable, unwilling to lose your breath. Always keep looking ahead, because the warm and happy weather will return one day.

Of course, your tribe can rock back and forth at times when you succumb to certain sad moments. Your branches may lose all their leaves. However, never allow your tree, your trunk, your roots to be blown over. No matter how dry the branches of your life are, no matter how many leaves you have lost, no matter how damaged your bark, you must remain standing, calm, generous and proud.

Never let your tree dry out, split or break, no matter how many leaves you have lost. Make sure you always stand upright. You deserve to be able to withstand the hard times and overcome them so that you can enjoy the good times.


Look at the leaves you’ve lost, but stay upright

From your high favorable position as a tree you can look down on the leaves that have fallen to the ground. Perhaps you are nostalgic for the days that formed part of your lush vegetation. Crop that was once green and hopeful, but has now turned gray and fallen to the ground.

However, this shouldn’t make you sad. They are memories of what once was. Some memories are happy and pleasant, while others are bitter and unpleasant. And now you know that these memories will not repeat.

However, the memories will remain, on the ground, around you. Perhaps sometimes there will be gusts of wind that will blow some of these memories far away from you, allowing you to forget them and land them somewhere farther away, far away from where you dug your strong roots. The tree remains standing.

The tree remains standing and it knows that new leaves will emerge to replace the leaves it has lost. Happy times will come again, along with the lush foliage and green vegetation that covers your branches.

The tree is still standing, thanks to your strong roots. And no matter how hard the wind blows, no matter how hard it snows or storms, the trunk of this tree will never break and there will never be a crack in the bark.

The tree remains standing, intensely present in the present moment, thinking about its past and hopeful about its future. The tree knows that no matter how many leaves it loses, there will still be new ones. And he will be there to enjoy these new leaves and feel them in all their magnificence.

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