Running Away Like A Long Journey With No Return Date

Every journey creates the illusion that you are running away from your routine. In some cases, this may lead you to think that you can solve all your discomfort by going on a long journey with no return date. However, this rarely happens.
Walking away like a long journey with no return date

We live in a complex world. One in which the idea that you should not tolerate discomfort is completely unthinkable. While this is a natural part of life, certain schools of thought urge people to face their reality. Running away is a solution for people seeking change. In fact, they sometimes perform this in the form of a long journey.

It’s very common to hear someone say that they are tired of everything and want to run away. Some people actually do this. They go on a journey and leave everything behind. In other words, they make this journey primarily to escape their reality.

People travel for different reasons. Some do it for their own personal growth, while others do it to escape. The first reason is rooted in a healthy desire to broaden one’s horizons and see the world. The latter usually stems from an idealization of one’s destiny as a result of disenchantment with the present life and perhaps even confusion.

Traveling alone because you want to run away from your problems

Running away – distance and travel

There is a subtle but profound difference between stepping away from a problem in order to come back and looking at it from a different perspective. It is quite another to refuse to confront by running away. The complicated thing is that people don’t always realize whether they’re doing the first or the last.

A trip is one of those occasions that lends itself to changing perspective or walking away. Somehow, every journey disconnects a person from their usual routine and associated problems. The disconnection is much more drastic when someone embarks on a long journey, but does not want to return.

How healthy or neurotic that option is may depend on both their motivations (Spanish link) and their goals. If the motivation is to break with anything that causes discomfort, then that person is probably running away under the guise of a trip. If your goal is to find that happy place where everything will be perfect, then you probably just walk away.

Run away and travel

People travel for personal growth, when they want something new, or when they are curious about and want to discover the world. It has nothing to do with their day-to-day problems, but with a strong desire to broaden their perspective.

They want to learn and live because they have made plans and they love to plan. Their journey has nothing to do with a desire to run from conflict and is only for personal growth.

In contrast, there are those who plan a trip to run away from exhaustion. They do this mainly out of a desire not to have to deal with their problems and to put aside everything they don’t like. They are not trying to ‘write a new page’. Instead, they try to “delete” earlier pages.

Planning a trip is relatively redundant and has a lot more to do with momentum than reason. The precedents are usually inaccessible silences, screams and slamming doors.

The real difficulty here is that a person can run away from almost anything but themselves. It often happens that the problems they want to leave behind reproduce in their new destiny. Yes, the scenario changes, but the essence of what happens to them remains the same. In fact, everything will probably only get worse.

Woman thinks about her problems

The inner journey

There are times when people resist introspection because they don’t want to give up certain fantasies. Also because they are afraid to dig into those open wounds that they think will never heal. Of course, they do not escape from cowardice or because they are weak. They do it because they see it as an effective solution. However, it is not.

Novelty is great when you travel because you get the illusion of having a different life. But things change as days, weeks and months go by. No place on this earth is free from sadness, disappointment, selfishness, envy, anger and everything else that you do not see at first sight.

Eventually, when the novelty ends, the discomfort quickly resurfaces. It may manifest in other ways, but it is there. Therefore, you might think that you are following the wrong fate, that your hidden treasure is in another place, in another country, or on another continent. So you can start another journey to run away.

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