Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Healthy body, healthy mind

The Latin saying, ‘mens sana in corpore sano’, which in Dutch would mean ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’, is more relevant today than ever. There are plenty of new studies that have focused on this topic and concluded that long, intense exercise can actually improve cognitive ability.

Maren Schmidt-Kassow, professor at the Medical Psychological Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt, indicates that this beneficial effect is probably linked to the intensity of the training. “Mildly intense exercise would involve low, but noticeable levels of psychological stimulation, which would help the brain prepare to acquire new information and store it in memory.” Excessive exercise, however, can over-stimulate the body and brain, draining all mental resources and leaving too little energy to create solid memories. Therefore, it is ideal to engage in light forms of exercise to improve your learning ability and memory.

A healthy mind can help you keep your body healthy

Health is holistic, and this is precisely why you cannot neglect any aspect that is part of your health (emotional, physical and mental). A person who wants to take good care of their health must ensure that they develop a strong and consistent mindset so that exercise becomes a habit and that they can feel good in every aspect of their life. Working on this mental strength on a daily basis will give him the opportunity to achieve both his personal and professional goals.

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

Reaching a state of mental well-being and balance can help us generate the energy we need to be more steadfast with our goals, making it easier to keep our bodies healthy. Your mental health and attitude are decisive factors to improve your stamina, strength and productivity.

Performing a routine of mental exercises early every morning, the most peaceful and quiet time of the day, is an ideal start to your daily planning and will strengthen the brain and increase mental capacity as well. Multiple studies show that the greater a person’s mental capacity and stability, the more likely they are to become and remain physically healthy.

Habits to keep your mind healthy

How many times have you said that you simply don’t have enough time to take care of yourself? Indeed, the frantic pace at which we live our lives makes it difficult for us to take good care of ourselves, yet taking care of ourselves should be an obligation, a priority.

To keep your mind healthy, you need social support and it is important that you are able to integrate yourself into groups of people you can identify with. Many neuroscientists believe that love and loving are the most important activities for the mind, which includes intellectual understanding and emotional availability.

Exercise, another important habit for keeping your mind healthy, stimulates the production of substances that support psychological well-being, such as endorphins, hormones linked to the experience of pleasure. To maintain a healthy mind, it is best to exercise in the fresh air, combining sunlight with contact with nature and other people.

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

Finally, a good night’s sleep is also essential to maintain and balance your brain functions. While you are sleeping, your brain has the opportunity to activate other less commonly used parts of the brain in addition to the parts that are already activated during the day, and this is believed to be helpful in improving the functions of the brain. keep the mind in balance.

With a simple daily routine, you will be able to motivate yourself and develop good overall health, which will have an impact on all aspects of your well-being.

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