Today Close Your Eyes And Make Your Dreams Come True

Close your eyes today and make your dreams come true

Only today, allow yourself to feel life with the hope of a child. Only today, turn off the pressure, fear and obligations and stop the whispers of toxic environments. Do it: Breathe in and out deeply, close your eyes and… believe in it. Just imagine everything you could possibly want is here. Make yourself believe and you will make all your dreams come true.

They say dreaming is free, but let’s face it. Sometimes our minds get tired of wandering the islands of Circe. Through those worlds painted with happiness where we reach our goal like magic.

Little by little we lose hope of the value of our dreams, because reality can be really hard sometimes. It can be bitter like a grapefruit. Or dark like the coffee we drink in the morning to wake us up from our nighttime lethargy.

We could say that it is almost inevitable. You no longer dream as much as you used to, you stop making wishes when you see shooting stars. And that’s because you carry a heavy burden of unfulfilled goals and dark disappointments. 

Without realizing it, the flame within us is almost completely extinguished. The flame that for a long time made us think that anything was possible.

But here’s something worth keeping in mind. If there’s one thing people have  always  defined, it’s our infinite capacity to dream.

Thinking about supposedly impossible things. Fantasizing about reality until we have enough energy to make it happen. It is what drives our motivation and gives us the strength and courage to continue this endless struggle. But if you stop dreaming, you will fall behind…

Girl playing peekaboo with herself in the mirror

Close your eyes… Then open them to make your dreams come true

Let’s imagine a moment of a person who has grown tired of dreaming. Let’s give him a face. We need to dive deeper into his attitude.

There is a reason that a person no longer dreams. There is a reason why he cannot imagine other realities. That’s because he’s just lost hope. And there is nothing more heartbreaking than losing hope.

He may have once convinced himself that happiness is nothing more than a promise to wait for on a street corner. He may have read millions of books on positive psychology.

Much of happiness means knowing how to deal with negative emotions, and tolerating the disappointments they come from and frustration. In this sense, in many cases the greatest efforts are not rewarded with results of the same magnitude.

Moreover, sometimes they lead nowhere. Life is often misleading and incoherent, and there’s nothing we can do about it except remember this.

Yet it is important to break so often from our immediate reality to get immersed in a dream, a desire, a wish…

It’s a way to stay alive and keep hope. Because the spark of creativity and second chances lights up when you dream.

Big stone gate

Henriette Anne Klauser is one of the best-known writers when it comes to personal growth, the area that offers strategies to make people think and enhance their creativity.

An interesting suggestion she makes in her book Write it Down, Make it Happen, is that we should dream with our eyes closed. And then write those dreams down.

In reality, it would be like writing a script with small long and short term goals. So we can make a plan. Once it’s written down, all that’s really missing is the bravest step: opening our eyes and fighting for it.

It’s time to reclaim the dreams we gave up

Let’s do it, let’s close our eyes for a second. For a second we go back to that person where we were before. An enthusiastic, confident, perhaps less experienced person.

Then the future called to us like a starry sky. It was enough to think that anything was possible.

Later on, there may have been disappointments. And a way of thinking where prejudices, fears and insecurities made us say something terrible: ‘Don’t do it, don’t dream or it will hurt’.

Randy Pausch, a noted scientist and professor, is known for his great lecture on life and death. He said there is always a moment when you decide whether you are a brave person or not.

When your heart still has enough hope to fight for what you want. When you really feel that you deserve what you dream about. And if all the answers are yes, there is no choice but to take the step and go for it.

In short, it is our duty to win back the hopeful child we used to be. The version of ourselves we left behind out of fear at some point. Or because we have committed the unpardonable sin of undervaluing ourselves.

So let’s get back that innocent light from yesterday and combine it with the intelligence and experience we’ve gained.

Let’s close our eyes and imagine that the impossible is possible again. That what we want so badly will come… Let’s dream that we have enough courage to fight for what we want.

Pictures of The ZoorkI 

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