Don’t Cling To Love, Hope Or Fear

Don't cling to love, hope or fear

It’s just not worth it. Don’t cling to what needs to fly away, don’t set your expectations too high, or dream about things that are already broken and that no longer support you. It is wise to accept it and courageous to know how to react in time, because people who do not want to face the facts and continue to struggle every day with their blindfolds and shields end up feeling empty, devoid of hope and self-confidence .

We know that psychology has recently been focused on, among other things, providing suitable strategies for achieving our many dreams and goals. We’ve learned about the power of positive thinking, about self-sufficiency, motivation, self-confidence… but what happens when some of these things start to falter?

There are things that no longer stand firm, love that changes color to black and white, and faded expectations to which we cling. This is not good for you, you have to let go of everything that wants to go away… Even if it hurts.

Believe it or not, personal growth also requires being skilled enough to figure out which battles are no longer worth fighting, which doors should be closed, and which aspects of our lives are best let go. Today we want to think about this topic with you, and also suggest that you remember a series of strategies to help you deal with these complicated situations properly.

Girl lies in grass and has false hope.

False hope and healing hope

We are used to thinking of the word hope as a domain of comfort and encouragement. It’s like a pat on the back on days of doubt, like a hug in times of trouble and a cup of hot chocolate on afternoons full of tears. However, hope is not only a positive emotion, it is also a cognitive dynamic to take into account.

In this dimension are many of those meanings that we give to everything that surrounds us, whether they are correct or not. Thoughts, traits and personal judgments live in our daily expectations. Hope is the dynamism that urges us “to push through and trust that everything will work out in the end” or that “he will eventually find out that we are the one he really loves.”

We are talking about false hopes here, or expectations that strive to comfort us at all costs, and which we cling to in the hope that things will turn out the way we want them to, without disagreements or splits. And yet we all know very well that in this perfectly imperfect world nothing is infallible, that whoever says “I love you” to us today may say goodbye tomorrow, and that what we take for granted now, in a while an anxious uncertainty can be.

Lion and butterfly.

Healing hope, unlike false hope, is an expectation that offers no resistance. It is an expectation that allows us to see things more clearly and approach things more maturely, being aware of what is no longer possible, and being invited to look ahead with the sweet promise that what is lost today is tomorrow. can be healed. Because losing is not the end, but the beginning of something else.

Let go of what can’t stay

No one just lets go of something without having fought for it. Everything that is loved or appreciated requires great acts of courage, personal investment and sacrifice. However, everything has a limit, and that insurmountable barrier that we should never give up is without a doubt our self-confidence, our identity, our emotional balance.

As Brian Trace, motivational speaker and psychology guru, tells us, “you’ll never get what you want in life if you just sit around waiting for things to change, and just keep feeding your false expectations.” It’s a way to plunge yourself into the subtle abyss of suffering.

To avoid such situations, we suggest that you consider a series of strategies that will open your eyes to healing hope, that will teach us how to look to the future in order to move forward.

Butterflies fly out of party hat.

Learning to accept the reality of things

There is a very interesting book called ‘Loving What Is’ by Byron Katie. In the book, she teaches us the importance of accepting the reality of things that happen around us, be it on a romantic, work or personal level. It is not at all a matter of resigning yourself to things, but of being able to love yourself in order to keep moving forward and create new and better changes that correspond to what you deserve.

Believe it or not, everyone has an internal ‘radar’ that tells us if things are not right. However, sometimes we don’t want to see it because it would mean confronting something we’re not ready for: a breakup, a change…

We should see these bad feelings and misery as a clear and direct invitation to move ourselves, to take action, and, above all, to avoid feeding false hopes. We must keep in mind that if this malaise becomes chronic, it will no longer be an impulse and will begin to infect us with negativity and suffering.

What wants to drop out of our lives will sooner or later. Delaying the inevitable is therefore a form of torture that we should not promote, after all, giving up is not always weak, on the contrary, saying goodbye at the right time reflects someone who is strong and brave enough to let go.

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