So You Can Be Independent

So you can be independent

There are many people who think that being ‘independent’ equals having enough money to support ourselves. Others say that independence is achieved when a person is able to make choices without needing the consent of others.

Both definitions are correct, but can be combined with something even closer to what it really means to be ‘independent’.

Making a lot of money (or enough to survive at least) is sometimes related to necessity and not necessarily to will. In addition, autonomy should go beyond the balance in our bank account and the number of notes in our wallet. If you can pay your bills, congratulations! But that’s not all you need to be completely independent.

Autonomy is much more related to the ability to control your life : knowing where you want to go, not waiting for others to tell you what to do etc. Independence also has to do with one’s ability to solve things, to pursue goals and fulfill desires, to complete one’s tasks without help from others, to visualize a future, etc.

If you have reached a certain stage in your life where you don’t know whether you are really independent or not, or if you would prefer to detach yourself somewhat from the people around you, now is a good time to pay some attention to the aspects that make us autonomous as individuals.

How can I be more independent?

To achieve the autonomy you wish to achieve and to stop being dependent on anything or anyone, it would be good to:

  • Take better care of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. If you don’t respect yourself, it will be impossible for you to enjoy life to the fullest. That is, if your body and mind are not in good shape, you will be more prone to illness, a bad mood, and, above all, you will have much more trouble standing on your own two feet.
  • To be disciplined. To deal with situations effectively, we need order and regularity. You should not let yourself be carried away by emotions. Instead, let yourself be guided by the sheer willpower needed to handle any situation.
  • To believe in yourself. This is a fundamental step towards independence. If you believe in your own abilities, skills and virtues, it will be easier for you to walk the road that leads to the realization of your dreams.
  • To get the ‘taste’ of life. People who depend on other people for their happiness do not know the benefits of life. The decisions they make always have something to do with others, rather than themselves. While being independent doesn’t mean being selfish, it might be a good idea to start by paying more attention to your own feelings and trying to get something valuable out of every moment.
  • To see the glass half full. One of the qualities that all independent people should have is optimism. This means that we must be aware that life is beautiful even when things are not going well, but also that we are able to find happiness in the small, everyday things.

In short, it is millions of grains of sand that will eventually form the beach. The same concept applies to our life events and possessions.

Be more grateful for what you have, and don’t waste time and energy you don’t have complaining about it.
To be independent

Being independent means that, while it can sometimes be helpful to consider the opinions of others, you are the captain of your life. No one will be able to encourage you if you don’t do this yourself. Look for a method of self-motivation that is effective for you.

Remember that in order to find the independence you so desire, it is necessary that you believe in yourself, that you improve as a person, grow and find out what you are missing. No one is going to do anything for you.

Finally, I ask you to take in these words of Michel de Montaigne:

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