Life Is Too Short To Live According To Someone Else’s Plans

Life is too short to live according to someone else's plans

They say that life is short, that it passes in an instant and that when we realize this, we become even more vital than the memories of what is happening around us.

And the truth is that more than the fear of the impermanence of our existence, our real fears are not our mistakes or our failures, or even the few times we got lost on our way. What really frightens us is an unlived life, or rather, a life in which we let our days adjust to the plans and dreams of others.

I am not in this world to live up to the expectations of others ; neither are you here to satisfy mine. We are two people who bumped into each other in a beautiful encounter and who, together, build a common path through which we string life together and harmonize dreams, plans and goals.

Sometimes we need a moment to realize that the life we ​​lead doesn’t make us happy. At first we get carried away, perhaps for the sake of love, perhaps for the wishes and dreams that gradually unfold as lies. For the sake of something that was once promised but never delivered.

There are many ways our lives rust while we are next to other people. Sometimes it’s our family, other times our partner… Whoever it is, it’s something we shouldn’t allow.

Because few things are as personal and distinctive as the true way we wish to live our lives. And no one should form or direct this except ourselves.

If you live the lives of others, you are no longer yourself


You are your values, your dreams of yesterday and desires of the present. You are your choices, your illusions in the morning and your sadness in the afternoon. You are what you have achieved and what remains to be achieved… Then how can you allow others to blur your identity and put on your shoes without your permission?

You can lose your pride for love, you can set aside your dreams for another’s dream if you wish, but you must never allow yourself to lose your dignity to another.

It is necessary to travel our life path in the simplest possible way: freely, without feeling heavy in your heart and without noise in your mind.

Don’t be afraid of life. You should enjoy it with joy and satisfaction. If you seem overwhelmed by negative emotions in the morning when you open your eyes, it may be because you’re not living the life you want. You may find yourself on a stage that others have put together for you.

When your day revolves around someone else’s personal universe

Some people take on the leadership role in a relationship without really knowing why. The other person can do nothing more than orbit like a satellite. And this is the beginning of love, because we establish certain expectations and because we are temporarily blind to the details that create a reality that is less functional.

Some people need to be in control because they are afraid that everything will collapse otherwise. Behind this obsessive need for control is really a low self-esteem that develops into authoritarianism and inflexibility. Respecting the will of others and their personal space puts them at risk of losing that person.

Being the one who makes the decisions, who chooses, who assumes, allows or rejects, reinforces low self-esteem and often makes us unable to do something for others in return.


A full, authentic and happy life knows no captivity: nobody belongs to anyone

This is not about maintaining an independent life without ties, without important relationships and someone by our side. It’s about realizing that no one belongs to us. Nobody belongs to anyone.

No one should have happiness, because happiness is free. It is created just like the wind is created on a summer afternoon or the coral in the sea. Happiness is something that should not depend on the selfish whims of others.

I free myself from the life others have created for me

There are times when family circumstances, possessive mothers or fathers can help us live a life that others create for us. Moreover, emotional and marital relationships are common areas in which these kinds of dependencies and vital limitations are common.

In order to live a happy and fulfilling life, we should not ‘tie ourselves’ to other people. Better to commit ourselves to a goal: happiness. Because this objective allows us to determine who deserves us and who doesn’t. And this is not the person who makes you suffer.


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