The Truth Is Hard, But Lies Still Hurt

The truth is hard, but lies still hurt

The truth is hard only once, but lies keep coming hard every time you think about it. Especially since they imprison you. Lies hold your feelings hostage and cause you to question all kinds of truths.  Lies make everything you’ve experienced and felt so far start to seem fake to you.

When someone lies to us, we can feel as if we are being removed from reality. The shock of a fake or disjointed experience causes us to become disoriented. So much so that we feel like we are going crazy with ourselves and our reality.

The lies told to avoid hurting someone ultimately only hurt. These lies hurt much more than the other feelings, thoughts or emotions caused by the person who wanted to hide something from us or soften a blow.


A relationship based on a lie is doomed to fail

We must know that relationships that are not built on a solid foundation of sincerity are as fragile and shaky as a house of cards. These kinds of relationships can destroy everything and everyone when they eventually collapse.

Life has many forms of deception that cause us to doubt ourselves and our feelings. In fact, in order to lie it is not necessary to tell lies at all; it’s enough to act fake and be a loyal follower of hypocrisy.

People who lie have to convince themselves that it’s okay to put together false beliefs and give their minds permission to work out those beliefs.

Girl with Bird

They have to tell us the truth and we have to decide whether this truth is hard or not

The emotional pain that lies create is profound and immense. We experience a lot of grief and cry over situations that could have been avoided.

As harsh as a truth can be, at least it gives us the opportunity to strengthen our decisiveness, our ability to analyze things, and our ability to define our own emotional and cognitive identities. At the very least, we have the choice to build our own tracks so that we can avoid the tunnel and learn more about the world around us and the best way to clear the paths we stumble upon.

Deceit is often a way of protecting ourselves from the dangers the truth can pose. However, this only creates more sadness. The lies told to avoid the truth are the most painful. These are the lies that are most distorted and destroy everything positive they encounter.

Head with Branches

Learn to protect yourself from lies

We must learn to put the things we say and hear through a filter. We have to deafen ourselves to some of the things we hear and always try to think critically. Let’s not forget that many people try to sell us a car knowing full well that the engine is broken.

To better understand the criteria we need to adhere to when judging the things we hear and say, let’s share a wise lesson from Socrates about the filters we need to pass through our conversations.

The student of a wise philosopher came home one day and said to his master: “Master, a friend spoke ill of you…”

“Wait!” the philosopher interrupted him. “Have you passed what you intend to tell me now through the three filters?”

“The three filters?” his disciple asked him.

“Yes. The first filter is the truth. Are you sure what you want to tell me is really true?”

“New. I heard one of the neighbors talking about it.”

“You must have made it through at least the second filter, which is kindness. Is what you want to tell me good for someone?”

“No not really. Quite the contrary…”

“Wow! The last filter is necessity. Does it really matter to tell me what’s bothering you so much?”

“Honestly not, no.”

“Well then,” said the wise man with a smile on his face. “If it’s not true, good, or necessary, let’s just sweep it under the table and just forget about it.”

Woman and Butterfly

Usually, the one whose wishes match the lie is the one who will believe the lie first. So in order to hear the truth, we must first be able to grasp the truth. And for this we undoubtedly need a good receiver.

When someone tells a lie, he must be aware that he must be intelligent enough to keep up with the lie or do the opposite and tell the truth.

The victims of lies, after getting over them, eventually become people who are very capable of deciphering the lies of others. This allows us to grow and strengthen the skills we need every day, ultimately making both our emotional world and our reason a lot more intelligent.

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