Eight Kinds Of Unnecessary People In Your Life

Eight kinds of unnecessary people in your life

Have you ever considered that some people are more hurtful than helpful? You may not have figured it out until now, but maybe some of the people in your life are toxic personalities.

Toxic people undermine your confidence, fill you with negativity and betray your confidence. Following are the eight types of unnecessary people that you really shouldn’t use in your life at all.

1. People who only criticize

It’s not bad at all to be honest and say what you think. However, this starts to become a problem when someone uses an inappropriate amount of their time and energy to criticize you, without taking some steps to resolve their complaints.

If criticism cannot be seen as constructive in any way, then it is better not to pay attention to it at all. If you don’t want to lose that friendship, explain to that person that their criticism isn’t really helping you at all. If that doesn’t work, maybe it’s best to create some space between yourself and that person.

Pointing Finger

2. People who take up all your time

The people who take up all your time can be family members or friends and they can claim your time without asking if it suits you. The problem is not that these people ask you for help or support, but that you often don’t get the same help and support back at all.

It is therefore best to spend less time with other people. Maybe they will be offended by this or they will try to hold you up. However, you should make sure to give yourself some time as well.

It might be wise to explain to these people that you can’t always devote all your time and attention to them. If this doesn’t work, try looking for a quiet place away from it all, where you can turn off your cell phone and relax.

3. People who victimize themselves

Some people enjoy taking on the victim role. They never take responsibility for themselves or for the mistakes they make.

If you have one of these people in your life, you’ll find that they don’t pass up an opportunity to make you feel like everything is always your fault. Put an end to this behavior before they have completely wrapped you up with their game of passing the blame onto everyone else.

In order to do this, it is important that you do not involve yourself in their game and that you try to view  the situation as an outsider to give yourself a better perspective.

4. People who show no compassion or empathy

One of the reasons why it is not good to have these kinds of people in your life is because these people are not able to understand your problems. In reality, they are unable to understand or support anyone around them.

These people often have personality disorders or narcissistic tendencies. You will find that it is impossible for these people to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, something that should be an essential quality of dealing with one another ethically.

5. People who are negative

These people are spreading negativity like it’s a virus.

The best advice for dealing with these people is to avoid them as much as you can. Once you interact with these people, the relationship will spiral into a downward spiral from which there is no way out. These people are always tense, worried, pessimistic, depressing and never stop complaining.

The main reason these people harm you is because they shorten your life by causing you to become negative yourself.


6. People who are insincere

Some people who say they are your friends have no problem sharing or gossiping about your personal information despite your friendship  .

When you realize that you have these kinds of friends, you may initially get angry about this or feel the need to end the friendship. The problem with disingenuous people is that they can harm you in multiple ways. In addition, they can ruin your friendships with others by spreading lies and rumors about you.

The less information you share with these people, the better. This is the best way to try to avoid this kind of problem.

7. People who manipulate or take advantage of you

Some fake friends are only there when they need you. They have no qualms about lying or saying what it takes to get what they want. They may tell you terrible stories about themselves, just to make you feel sorry for them  so they can take advantage of you more easily.

Manipulative “friends” know how to get information out of you to find out what your weaknesses are, so that they can then use this information to their own advantage. They have absolutely no problem taking advantage of your conscience or generosity.

8. People who mistreat you

These kinds of people take advantage of any situation to hurt you. They may not even realize it themselves, but they leave a deep scar on your soul. These people can be acquaintances, friends or relatives.

Do your parents criticize you every time they get the chance? Do you have a friend who takes every opportunity to make comments that affect your self-esteem?

People like this can make you feel insecure about your honesty, strength, and abilities. They are looking for attention and support, but don’t know how to ask for these things. During their ‘learning process’ they can do a lot of damage; and for that reason it is better to keep your distance from these kinds of people.

Life itself is already quite complicated and it gets even more complicated when you are tied down to these types of people.

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