Starting Today I’m Going To Give Myself A Chance

Starting today I'm going to give myself a chance

I’m tired of being the last person I care for. It’s exhausting to always be there for everyone but myself. I’m always afraid of bothering people when I tell them something they don’t want to hear. But it’s been enough! Starting today, I’m going to give myself a chance.

I want to get rid of all my worries that I carry inside myself. They make me into someone I’m not really. By caring so much about what others think,  I hide my true identity. I also no longer want to feel guilty or feel like I’m disappointing everyone. It’s time to put down the mask that hides my true identity. I no longer want to hide in the shadows or be a yes-sayer. Starting today, I’m going to give myself a chance.

Giving myself a chance: I love myself and put myself first

From now on I’m going to love myself. It won’t be easy because I often criticize myself and blame myself for almost everything. But I’m doing it little by little, slowly but surely. Besides, I’m going to do it the right way.

Woman in field

From now on, I’m going to congratulate myself every day for things I’ve done well, instead of blaming myself for all kinds of mistakes. I’m talking about taking a new stand and looking at myself differently—namely, with pride.

It won’t be easy…

Maybe I’m not good at it yet, maybe it will be very difficult. But if I never start, how will I ever see myself as a worthy man? Making myself a priority matters.

I’m also going to learn to accept myself just the way I am. I’m going to give myself permission to be myself, the one who until now has been afraid to go out and risk rejection. I show myself as I am. I do this not only for myself, but for the whole world. I will be the same person with others as I am when I am alone.

Finally, and this is the most important promise I make, I’m going to make myself a priority. I’m going to ask myself, “How are you?” and “what do you really want?” Then I will make choices based on that. I no longer approach it as I have done until now, always asking others first what they wanted from me. Trading on this basis is no longer possible!

I deserve to be happy

If there’s one thing I deserve but have denied myself so far, it’s happiness. That’s why I’m going to give myself a chance. I’m going to be there for myself and look deeply into my own eyes so that everything I do matches my desires and needs. I will not look over my shoulder: I will live more openly, hold my own hand and never let go. I want to be my own friend, support and shelter.

I’m going to forgive myself for all the times I chose myself last—or didn’t choose myself at all. I will forgive myself for the times when I knew what I wanted but betrayed myself. Because  if I want to be happy, I’ll have to be at peace with myself.

Give yourself a chance

Making peace with myself

Once I’ve made peace with myself—once I feel authentically myself and feel like I value myself enough to show my true self—I’m going to create  my own happiness. Because if I’ve learned anything in my years of life, it’s that this great feeling won’t just happen to me. I will have to take happiness as an attitude towards life. So I will love myself and see myself as a priority. I’ve come to appreciate all the little parts of life, even if they’ve always been there without me realizing it.

Just as I will allow myself to be happy, I will also allow myself to feel sadness. I embrace every emotion I feel so that I can better understand myself and others. Because giving a chance to myself means that I also give a chance to others.

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