The Power Of Introverts

The power of introverts

Many people think that being introverted is a weakness, but this is not true at all. Introversion is a personality trait that indicates deeper thoughts and emotional processes, as well as a preference for quiet, quiet places with few stimulations and a small number of people.

Carl Gustav Jung was the first person to start working with the introversion-extroversion dimension. In it, he described introverted people as people who generally turn their thoughts and feelings inward.

There are plenty of introverted people, yet our contemporary society seems to stigmatize these people somewhat and reward those who exhibit the opposite behavior. Think of people who draw attention to themselves, are very active and restless, take more risks, or have many relationships with other people.

In some cases, introversion is also confused with shyness. Shyness is characterized by feelings of fear and discomfort, negative self-criticism, and the fear of being in a large group of people or even the thought of being in a large group of people.

However, being an introvert also has its advantages. In her TED talk  , Susan Cain, lawyer and writer, tried to defend introversion and advocate for introverts. She said that she was also an introverted child who loved to read, among other things, because books were indispensable in her family. Throughout the rest of her life, books continued to play an important role for her.

Susan Cain’s TEDtalk has been viewed more than ten million times and speaks volumes, especially for those who want to destroy once and for all the inferiority complex caused by introversion.

Surprising facts about introversion

This video reveals many curious facts about introverts:

  • Introverts contribute great things to both our social environment and their personal environment. Often these people are more cautious and avoid risk more quickly than extroverts, which means they can usually be good bosses and leaders. They only make a decision after they have considered all the factors and they always strive for a good agreement.
  • Introverted people are very creative. Great personalities of history, such as Jesus, Buddha or Moses, needed the desert to develop their ideas and then share them with the world. These are great examples to understand the importance of introversion. Often people need alone time to develop great ideas. For example, it is very instructive for children to work in groups, but at the same time it is also very important that they learn to complete work on their own, especially for extroverted children. They need time alone to develop their creativity and its potential.
  • You can also be both introverted and extroverted at the same time. Susan Cain calls this combination ambiversion and encourages us to develop both sides of our personality. We can all make an effort to get to know ourselves better. At the same time, we can also make an effort to open ourselves up to others and share with them what we feel inside.
  • Why are introverts so stigmatized? According to Cain, the answer to this question can be found in Western societies, especially the United States, in which personality glorification is idealized. Businessmen are successful men who are forced to be extroverted, to get what they want, to make connections, etc. Society seems to tell us that we have to be extroverted to be the best version of ourselves, when there is no reason at all. is why this really should be.

What are the benefits of introversion?

If you are an introvert, don’t feel bad about this. You too have qualities and abilities that are unique and beneficial. You are generally:

  • more creative
  • Better able to listen
  • More careful and more reflective
  • Better in touch with your inner world (thoughts and emotions)
  • Less risky
  • More sensible, calmer and more introspective

To conclude this article, we highly recommend that you read Susan Cain’s book “Silent: The Power of Introverts in a World That Won’t Stop Chatting.” Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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