The Indifference Of Passive-aggressive People

The indifference of passive-aggressive people

Passive- aggressive people often hide behind what looks like depression. They can seem vulnerable and needy. However, the truth is that their behaviors are intentional but they pretend to be coincidental.

Their goal is to make you feel bad. The indifference of passive-aggressive people is one of the many weapons they deftly wield.

These people live with a deep sense of resentment. Passively punish everyone around them. In terms of communication, they are very difficult to deal with. They don’t feel like expressing themselves. Passive-aggressive people are also capable of building up a lot of anger. They hold it in their silence.

What is a Passive-Aggressive Personality Type?

Passive aggressiveness is associated with a certain personality type. This type only focuses on the negative side of things. These people are also unable to get involved in personal relationships.

They are very sensitive to criticism and seem to be in a bad mood on a regular basis. They constantly complain. They also have a hard time finding real solutions to their problems. They do not think the possible solutions are good enough.

What is a Passive Aggressive Personality Type

Passive-aggressive people rarely have close friends. They only maintain relationships with their immediate family members. In general, they are very careful when dealing with others. They also lack social skills. Such people often cause frustration in others. After all, they know exactly where to hit other people.

Most passive-aggressive individuals do not feel that others respect them or give them the attention they deserve. Attention should always be on them. These people also think that others do not value them enough. According to them, others do not treat them fairly in most cases.

They like to “forget” their obligations and avoid compromise. When they have to do something, they make the job look a lot worse than it actually is. On the other hand, when they do someone a favor, they make it look like they are a martyr themselves.

The indifference of passive-aggressive people

It is very difficult for passive-aggressive people to have a discussion with someone. They do not possess any ability to be assertive. For fear of possible rejection by others, they are afraid to express their opinion. They feel comfortable when the conversation is about others. In this communicative context, “they feel safe.”

Silence and mocking sarcasm are two pillars of the indifference of passive-aggressive people. They avoid getting involved in group activities. That is because they feel a great disregard for the talents of other people.

In fact, they prefer to judge others from a distance without interfering. That way they don’t become the center of the assessment.

The indifference of passive-aggressive people is a form of revenge and manipulation that causes a lot of discomfort. It is a kind of dealing with others that creates a lot of mental tension. In the end, their victims feel really confused.

They want to make you feel bad for any shortcomings you have. That is the only reason passive-aggressive people display indifference.

Then they can blame you for something they did themselves. Or they can hide any unhealthy jealousy that eats them up. So they are actually people who want to hurt you.

Victims of passive-aggressive people

The main victims of passive aggressiveness are usually generous people. They are attracted to the image passive-aggressive people can create. A passive-aggressive person always claims that he needs help and protection.

In addition, this type of personality prefers not to have someone meddle in their situations. At the same time, they blame others for not taking control. These people tend to fall for people who “need to need them.”

Their prey is the people who feel good when someone needs them. The silence and indifference of the passive-aggressive person can last for days. If you ask them why they behave that way, they will tell you that you are only imagining things.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for passive-aggressive people to change. We must remember that these people often come from a family environment with dominant passive-aggressive attitudes.

That is also why it is so difficult for them to implement change. After all, they have learned that passive manipulation is the only way they can have power in their relationships.

Victims of Passive-Aggressive Persons

How do you react when someone behaves passive-aggressively towards you?

The wisest advice is to stay away from this type of person as soon as possible. However, there are certain circumstances where we have no choice. We have not chosen all the people in our lives. We also can’t distance ourselves from everything we don’t like in people.

There are many cases of mothers, fathers and very close relatives who find themselves in situations where they are dependent on a person with this personality.

The only way to deal with a passive-aggressive person is to not succumb to their control. You have to set boundaries and not let yourself be caught in their indifference and bitter criticism.

Also remember that they wear poisoned armor to cover their shortcomings. These people just want to project their frustration onto others.

In addition, staying calm is the best weapon against a passive-aggressive person. They want control and make you feel bad. They need that so that they can temporarily relieve their own discomfort.

The best way for them to succeed is for us to see them as little children. However, you have to view them as people with huge egos.

Finally, remember that there are some differences in diagnostic manuals regarding these personality types. We recommend the studies of Scott Wetzler and Leslie C. Morey here. 

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