7 Great Quotes From Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse’s quotes are an invitation to reflect on life and the search for identity. They are a gift for all people who want to get to know themselves better and discover who they really are. His amazing, spiritually profound psychological legacy is really worth reading.

Hermann Hesse was a German writer and painter. In 1946 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his literary work. Publishers have translated his books into more than 40 languages. More than 30 million copies of his work have been sold.

These include some of his most important books:  Damien  (1919),  Siddhartha  (1922) and  Steppenwolf  (1927). Most of his books reflect Hermann Hesse’s interest in Eastern mysticism and the spiritual world. They also show the insatiable search for new values ​​and points of reference.

People who knew Hermann Hesse described him as a shy man with a difficult personality. He liked to be alone and spent a lot of time looking inside himself. He was a creative, isolated and somewhat unstable person. But he knew how to put into words everything he felt inside. In fact, some consider him an “author in crisis” as a result of his relentless search for identity.

Quotes from Hermann Hesse

The way to yourself

Fate is a way to ourselves. It is a path we walk every day to get to know ourselves better. Some people understand that immediately. Others waste their time without realizing it. This is one of Hermann Hesse’s quotes that we should remember when we feel lost.

The phenomenon of psychological projection

This is one of Hermann Hesse’s quotes that the reader may find very strange at first. It can even provoke a negative reaction. Yet psychologists call this phenomenon psychological projection. It refers to when people project their own emotions and shortcomings onto others.

From a positive point of view, we can give an example of this.  This happens when two people enter the amorous phase of a relationship. At this stage, both parties project characteristics and virtues onto the other person that do not actually correspond to that person. They praise their generosity, kindness and sense of humor. But we can also look at this phenomenon from a negative perspective. In this case, we use psychological projection when we blame someone else to avoid having to take responsibility for what happens. An insecure person may get mad at his partner for saying she doesn’t trust him. In reality, the opposite is true.

Psychological projection is a complicated subject. It’s not easy to accept that we project onto others what we don’t like about ourselves. The key is to know yourself and accept your flaws. That way you can avoid exhibiting this type of behavior.

The value of effort


Effort is the key to getting what you want. It is the driving force that propels you along with determination, hope and desire. It is worthless to dream if you do not have a plan or if you are not looking for a path that will allow you to achieve your goals.

Hermann Hess was very clear on that point. If you really want something, find every possible way to get it. There are no excuses or potential obstacles if you are willing to work yourself to the bone to achieve your goal. Or if you’re at least willing to try.

Quotes from Hermann Hesse

The Complexity of Empathy

It’s not easy to put yourself in someone else’s situation. Seeing the world through their eyes, feeling their emotions and acting accordingly is more complicated than it seems. How often, from your own experience, have you felt that no one understood you? Or how many times have you found that no matter how hard you try, you cannot possibly see the logic in the other person’s behavior? How often do you make incorrect assumptions about that behavior?

We believe that having empathy means putting yourself in someone else’s situation. And so it is. But it’s more than that. You have to see things from their perspective and not yours. Take into account their circumstances, problems, dreams, fears, and so on. To be able to do this perfectly, you must have lived their lives. That is of course impossible. That is why it is so difficult to understand others and to feel that other people understand you.

Liberating Communication

This is one of Hermann Hess quotes that is most important to remember in your daily life. When you are drowning in your own sadness, negative feelings and problems, it is undoubtedly bad for you. The best choice is to release everything that holds you inside.

Because giving your negative emotions a voice helps you to vent and let go. It takes away the exhausting weight you carried on your shoulders. Expressing yourself will also improve your relationships. Because keeping your own opinion silent prevents others from really understanding you. Your silence is like a high wall that creates distance between yourself and others. It also weakens friendship ties.

The relationship between love and happiness

After many years of introspection and self-reflection, Hesse came to this beautiful conclusion. There is nothing like love to help you experience happiness. For him, there is nothing that compares to this wonderful feeling.

This is one of Hermann Hesse’s wisest and most beautiful quotes. It provides an important and profound message that reminds you what is most important. It is a call to humanity from the deepest part of its being.

Quotes from Hermann Hesse

Recognizing the importance of our feelings

How we feel is always important. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative, intense or weak. The emotional realm is one of the central pivots of our lives. That is why it is essential that we recognize how we feel and value those feelings.

We sometimes neglect our grief. Or we deny the anger we feel. Sometimes we overlook our joyful moments. Those are behaviors that separate us from ourselves. This is exactly why Hesse wanted to get this message across. In his eternal search for identity, he discovered the importance of acknowledging your feelings in order to get to know yourself.

As you can see, Hermann Hesse’s quotes are a valuable legacy for anyone who wants to learn more about their inner self. Revisit these statements during your most existential moments. They invite you to think about the connections you have with yourself.

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