4 Arabic Sayings To Think About

4 Arabic sayings to think about

Proverbs always leave some sort of lesson or reflection that is worth analyzing in detail. This time we bring you some Arabic proverbs that we have adopted as part of our lives. Whether because of their cultural importance in history or simply because they provide a great lesson  ; they are worth paying attention to. Take note of them and do not forget these Arabic proverbs in your daily life.

1. “Don’t talk if what you’re about to say is no more beautiful than silence.”

This is my favorite of all the Arabic proverbs I’ve heard and it just means that the number of times we regret after saying something is immense. You don’t even have to have the hidden desire to hurt the other person. Often you make a comment that is unkind or quite vehement, that just didn’t pass through the filter of our hearts.


Every comment we make must pass through the filter of our heart, which will tell you if it is an emotionally useful message to those who are listening. Sometimes we will even find out, by running every word we say through the filter in our head, whether it makes sense or not. While holding a grudge isn’t healthy, neither is saying things that will hurt others.

2. “Fool me once, shame on you! If you fool me twice, I will be ashamed.”

This Arabic proverb is one that I always try to remember, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. It is true that in relationships there is no book of rules or guidelines to follow and every couple has to make their own decisions, but if you have become a victim of infidelity by your partner and you continue to forgive him and take him back over and over again, then you can no longer blame him.

The message we send when we forgive infidelity after infidelity is that whether you’re a man or a woman, you don’t value yourself. If you can’t see your worth and give yourself your proper place in life, how can you expect someone else to do it?

I am not saying that you should never forgive this act, because it is also necessary to move forward, but I think that we must learn to set limits. When the other person shows you disrespect, it’s best to let them go so they can find what they need without hurting you further.

3. “A man who cannot smile should not open a store.”

I really believe in following your dreams and goals and I think this is one of the Arabic proverbs that best describes it. What this spell means is that you should always do whatever draws a smile on your face.

Your days will always be more bearable if you do things you love. Of course, you will encounter problems and challenges, including tasks that you do not enjoy doing at all. But overcoming all this is easier if you like your main activity.

There is nothing worse than dealing with people who have a grumpy look on their face and treat people badly all day long. Don’t become one of them.

Woman with Kat

4. “Punish those who envy you by being good to them.”

At some point in life, we all have to deal with people who are more than willing to make us feel bad. The vast majority of the time it’s because they’re jealous of you in some way and trying to emotionally sabotage you.

You may be tempted to give in to your anger and do the same. The last of these Arabic proverbs reminds us of something quite true: the worst punishment for these people is to behave well towards them. It’s not about being hypocritical and treating them like they’re your best friends. Simple kindness can often hurt them more than anything.

Now, if you’re dealing with these kinds of toxic people and you’ve tried in vain to avoid them, try kindness. You will see that they will disappear from your life so quickly that you will not even notice. And, hey, I’m talking about being kind and cordial, not putting yourself at their disposal for every little thing. If they ask you for something you don’t want or can’t do, just say “no.”

I am sure that these Arabic proverbs will be helpful to you when it comes time to face the challenges of your daily life. You probably already knew them, but you may not apply them to your life because you just forget about them. Pay more attention to them and think about each of these statements… 

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