If I Let My Ego Lose, I Win Everything

If I let my ego lose, I win everything

Our ego is a product of poor emotional upbringing that has focused on just one idea:  success involves showing others an image of yourself without mistakes, fears, or doubts. It’s almost an obligation to be better than your peers. We have to do this even if it means it overshadows everything we really feel, what we really want. We confuse self-confidence with securing our ego.

Your wounded ego reveals that you suffer any kind of humiliation or loss in the eyes of others. And this is something that you cannot tolerate and that makes you sad and angry at the same time. We have learned that we must always win, but to win we must want to learn. This implies a sense of vulnerability, falling and getting back up countless times. Letting go of your ego to gain life lessons.

In that cycle, you have to be willing to not always be the best version of yourself. Accept that others will see the things you are always trying to hide. If you want to move from where you are, you have to accept the risk that you could lose your vanity in various circumstances. Many people burn out because they cannot accept the risks that could put them on thin ice. They let their ego win and lose everything else.

The battle for our ego robs us of our peace

An existential void can swallow you up, but you prefer to continue pretending rather than being vulnerable. By luck or bad luck you do not suffer from a certain disease. You just have a certain character trait that unfortunately affects a lot of people: vanity, ego, lack of ‘I’.


They say that sometimes it is better to be happy than to be right. Accepting what others may see as a failure, loss, or weakness in order to regain and maintain our peace. Sometimes we don’t fight for a cause or a problem that we know our opinion is completely true, and even then we just want to get away with it.

The struggle to keep our egos is definitely a defeat

The struggle to keep our egos safe is a relentless struggle against the world, where we can only suffer defeat. One day we may find that not accepting a weakness has only strengthened that trait. It has caused us to lose people we love and who loved us.


To get something we want simply because we want it and not to brag about it to others, we have to let go of our vanity. This implies experience and giving up things, but it also implies a life with purpose.

It also means making regular mistakes, and moving on with your life without looking back all the time to see if you were right or wrong. Maybe we were never right or maybe we were, but it doesn’t matter in the present. After all, the present has nothing to do with what happened in the past.

If you lose your ego, you will get your life back

Let your ego lose the battle for your inner self to regain control of your life. Your emotions, feelings and thoughts are automatic and unpredictable, just like the things that happen in your life. It’s hard enough dealing with the contradictions and everyday events of life. We shouldn’t make it worse by always wanting everything to be perfect or how others expect us to be.

If you always want everything to be perfect and to show the best version of yourself, you may have no choice but to let life go by while you watch, in your immaculate clothes with a big smile on your face. Without making mistakes, without taking risks. The closest not life you can possibly be.

You won’t always feel good emotionally, and you won’t always show the perfect face. You may sometimes show yourself as imperfect to others. But you will also live intensively.


With all our ups and downs, with our victories and misfortunes, we try to look at life as best we can. It’s all part of ourselves and who we are, no matter how hard that can be to admit and accept. Many imperfections that you or others see as something terrible are invisible to others. Sometimes the loss of vanity is an acquisition of true self-confidence.

Many of the mistakes you have made in life are no longer in the memory of others. Now they only exist in the defense strategies of your wounded and arrogant self. They only exist in your suffocating ego, leaving you depressed and robbed of the here and now. It does so because it seeks a victory that no longer exists. The only thing left to heal is the resentment and anger you carry inside.

Show your ego the door, let it run away with all its tricks. Open the door to life, despite it being painful at times. Let your ego lose. It’s worth all the effort.

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