To Be Afraid Of Suffering Is Already Suffering

Being afraid of suffering is already suffering
Emilio Duro says in one of his most famous conferences called ‘Optimism and Enthusiasm’ that 99% of all the things we worry about are things that have never happened to us and will never happen to us. If we think about this carefully, it is true, because many of the causes of our suffering come from our own thoughts. What really happens is that we are afraid to suffer.

Fear is a very human reaction, part of our natural survival instinct, but it sometimes betrays us by becoming activated in situations where there is no real danger. These are the situations in which we must learn to control our fear.

The thought of suffering makes us suffer even more. Many people have a fear of loving or falling in love, afraid that they will suffer later, and build impenetrable walls without realizing that in this way they cannot be themselves and experience love.

How fear works in our brains

To find out how fear works in the brain, a group of researchers from the University of Texas (Dallas) conducted an experiment. The group of researchers consisted of twenty-six adults (nineteen women and seven men) between the ages of nineteen and thirty.


The experiment was conducted on 224 participants who were each shown separately random images, realistic images (divided into images of danger and images of pleasant situations) and non-realistic images (without any indicator to indicate which of the two categories they belonged in). .

The participants were asked to press a button with the right index finger if they saw a realistic picture and to press another button with the right middle finger if they saw a non-realistic picture. The results were measured by an EEG (electroencephalogram).

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