The Past And The Future Shape The Present

The past and the future shape the present

Time is so fleeting that the sentence you just read is already a thing of the past and the future, all the thoughts running through your mind about what else could be in this article, is before you.

What’s left then? Present…

The past is gone, what awaits you is yet to come, but the present is yours.

The past is what has left

The past is important to show us where we went wrong and which decisions were right. Thinking about the past is essential to understanding the present.

Our path in life must have meaning and we must know where we come from in order to know where we are going. Analyzing the things we’ve done in the past and making comparisons between our past and our present can help us form and develop a storyline that tells the story of our lives.


Without our memories we would be nobody. Even emotional memories or memories based on feelings are fundamental to understanding who we are.

The negative aspect of this is that it creates the possibility that we are constantly tied to negative memories. We can easily fall into this trap and relive and analyze the painful memories of our past over and over, as if it could change the things that happened. These are thoughts that follow the question… what would have happened if…?

Of course, it’s important to eliminate the emotional pain and discomfort that these kinds of questions can evoke in us. If we don’t, we run the risk of becoming paralyzed in both our present and future. The past forms the basis of our way of speaking; it is the story of our lives that we are telling ourselves.

If you’re having trouble with this, it might help to see a psychologist so he/she can help you find the right tools to analyze the way you talk to and about yourself.

The future is an accumulation of several moments

The future is what we project and predict about our world. Thinking about the future is essential to making good choices and planning ahead for our next steps in life.

Our future must also have meaning and we must have a more or less clear idea of ​​what our goals are. In addition, it is also important to be able to act in the present.

Planning our strategies and setting our goals for the future motivates us to continue performing tasks whose results are not immediately apparent.

The path we walk consists of small steps that lead us to our ultimate destiny. This encourages us to be consistent and persistent in the process of achieving something that will benefit us in the future.

However, the future is also a double-edged sword. There are a lot of things in life that we have no control over. When we try too hard to be in control of everything, we can turn into anxious people who constantly want an answer to everything in advance. If we lose ourselves in the future, we will be sailing on unknown waters.

Living in the present means being present in the here and now

The time we live in is right in front of us. We can touch it and we can also change it through our actions and our decisions.


Living in the present means living in the here and now. It means dedicating yourself to what you can do to live in the present moment.

Everything you do now, after reading this article for example, is part of your present. The influence the present has is so powerful that we can change our future through the choices we make  and thereby either forget or give meaning to our past.

The present offers us all the opportunities we have and what we choose to go for.

To deny the present means to be paralyzed by the fear of the future and the imagined consequences this future may have. It can also mean that you are immobilized by your past and the experiences that come with it.

Obviously, we must value everything around us, but we must ensure that our present is not influenced too much by our past, nor by the future.

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