Seven Huge Benefits Of Crying

Seven Huge Benefits of Crying

When we see someone cry, we often imagine the worst. However, our tears not only serve to express nostalgia, sadness, sadness, pain or anger, but can also be of happiness or joy. Numerous studies have proven just how great the benefits of crying for our physical and emotional well-being really are.

We know that crying is a way of expressing what we are feeling at a particular moment, usually these are negative feelings. However, did you also know that crying is natural, healthy and more normal than people think? We are not stronger or more mentally stable if we do not cry. In fact, crying offers a lot of benefits. We have listed the largest for you.

Not all tears are created equal

Humans produce three types of tears. Each species has a different composition, depending on its function and origin.

  • Basal tears are mainly made of protein and keep our eyes moist. We almost always have these tears in our eyes.
  • Reflexive tears are released in response to certain external factors, such as smoke or wind. They protect your eyes from irritation.
  • Emotional or psychic tears come as a response to emotions. These are the tears we refer to when we say we are crying. They contain neuromodulatory elements (prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormones and leu-enkephalin) that function as natural painkillers.
Woman Cries: The Benefits of Crying

The benefits of crying: it’s soothing

Crying helps you calm down and let off steam. But it also allows you to change and also helps with a much deeper underlying condition: fear. Crying is good for you.

Why? Because crying activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for maintaining or promoting relaxation and calm in the body after it has exerted itself. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system triggers reactions in your body, causing it to respond to stress and participate in metabolic regulation.

Crying relieves pain, boosts mood and improves sleep

A 2014 study found that emotional tears release two substances that people need to feel good: oxytocin and endorphins. Bad feelings, both physical and emotional, are soothed as these hormones generate a sense of pleasure and profound well-being.

After crying, we sometimes have to laugh or smile. You just ran out of tissues and now you’re laughing, how is this possible? Because oxytocin and endorphins improve your mood. Its soothing, mood-boosting and pain-relieving effect will also help you sleep better and fall asleep more easily.

Tears protect you from bacteria

Lysozyme, an enzyme found in tears, plays an essential role here. It acts as a bacteriostatic barrier, as it alters and undoes the cell walls of bacteria. It is therefore a very effective and natural way to keep your eyes safe and clean. In fact, research shows that it even protects you from substances like anthrax and helps to overcome the resistance that bacteria have developed to antibiotics.

Crying relieves stress

This is one of the best benefits of crying, don’t you think? When you cry in response to stress, your tears release the same chemicals that caused the stress in the first place. Paradoxical, but true.

For example, when you cry, your manganese content decreases. Manganese is a mineral closely related to emotional states such as fear, nervousness and aggression. Crying also lowers your adrenaline and noradrenaline, substances you secrete more in stressful or dangerous situations.

Woman Cries: The Benefits of Crying

Crying is a cry for empathy

When we see someone crying, it’s normal to empathize with them and offer them a shoulder. We assume he needs help or something bad happened. We take it as a sign that he is hurt or upset. In any case, the howling draws us to him.

Crying is a way to get comfort and support from those around us. The reason for this is attachment behavior. In this regard, crying is a way of asking for help or anything else we need.

Crying helps you get to know yourself better

Some authors, such as Michael Trimble, claim that there is a whole science behind crying. This could explain why some people cry more than others. Other experts, such as Ad Vingerhoets, say that the number of times someone cries depends on two specific personality traits: empathy and neuroticism.

In either case, getting to know yourself better is one of the greatest benefits of crying. Sometimes crying is considered a sign of weakness when it is actually a sign of emotional strength. Tears say a lot about us. They give us insight into our weaknesses, when and how much we need others and what affects us.

Now you know the benefits of crying. By holding back your tears, you’re denying yourself an emotional cleansing that you may well need. So don’t be ashamed and don’t be afraid to express yourself. Let them flow!

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