Insanity Offers Pleasure Only The Insane Know

Insanity offers pleasure that only the insane know

We’ve all done something crazy: taking an unplanned trip, kissing someone without thinking about it, saying something inappropriate in public, singing out of tune. In short: letting ourselves be carried away by the moment. It is a matter of healthy insanity, which is a pleasure to our senses and makes us feel alive.

It is especially important that this insanity does not hurt anyone, that it is a form of pleasure from which no one suffers. Some degree of selfishness is sometimes healthy and we can do things just to enjoy them. It doesn’t matter if we make a mistake; because we will always learn something from it.

Seven Insane Things We Will Probably Do in Our Lives

The list of insane things we do individually is very outspoken and we all find something insane sometimes that someone else doesn’t think is insane at all, but this doesn’t matter at all. What matters is whether we feel that adrenaline rushing through our bodies when we do something we want to do and we don’t care what others think about it.

1. Falling in love with someone who is not good for us

Feeling something for someone is something we have no control over. We are aware of this. And suddenly one day we realize that we have fallen in love with the most unsuitable person. Someone much older or younger than us, someone who is married, someone who lives thousands of miles away from us.

But love is an inevitable feeling; only time can help us forget this feeling and sometimes even time is not able to banish the feelings we have for someone.


2. Spending money on something expensive that we want

There have probably been times when you suddenly saw something you really wanted and the next thing was completely unavoidable: you decided to spend all your savings on this, without thinking about the price.

This is a matter of gusts or impulses that we have all experienced and given in at times by buying something that we were very excited about and that we really wanted.

3. Going to bed with someone we just met

The chemistry between two people can develop at any time, even with someone we’ve only just met. This is something that we can feel very soon; it only takes a few words to make sure you want someone. No matter what happens, you want that person in your bed. In situations like this, it’s a matter of enjoying the moment and having a lot of fun; what happens next belongs to the future and not to the here and now.

4. Traveling with just a backpack and a little money

Exploring the world, exploring other cultures and meeting new people is very appealing to many people. Have you ever been brave enough to just pack a backpack and go on a trip with just a little bit of money?

This is an experience that can change the way you look at life, the way you enjoy every moment, and an experience that makes you aware of the many things we do have but don’t really need.

5. Staying up all night and going to work the next morning

A whole night outside, on the street, having fun and laughing with your friends and then just going to work. Many of us know what it’s like to long at work all day long for a few hours of sleep, long for your bed and how every minute seems like an eternity. Anyway, that night was more than worth it. Every experience, every pleasure and every laugh was worth it and the fatigue is only temporary.

6. Cut your hair or dye it blue, orange or even red

We all get the urge to completely change our look from time to time. Getting a tattoo, shaving our heads when our hair finally got a little long, dyeing our hair a certain color. These are insane things that don’t bother anyone and can make us feel good about ourselves. Which can bring us in touch with our essence, with which brings a smile to our face.

7. Learning for something we find really interesting, because we enjoy it

To learn

We tend to associate studying with something boring that we are obliged to do, but maybe there is something that we find really interesting that we don’t find boring at all.

Studying for fun can be very satisfying; any kind of knowledge can be useful at some point in our lives and so we should not curb our urge to know and learn.

Let yourself be carried away by the pleasure of insanity

Anyone who has ever done something crazy knows how much pleasure this can provide. How satisfying it can be to know that we’ve done something just to please ourselves.

Your smile will betray you and make you think about the next insane thing to do. What will it be? Life is very short, so let yourself be carried away by insanity from time to time so that you can feel that you are alive and enjoy every second of it.

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