The Theory Of Self-realization

The theory of self-realization states that there is an intrinsic capacity within ourselves. To be happy we must develop it to the fullest.
The theory of self-realization

Mahatma Gandhi, Viktor Frankl and Nelson Mandela are great examples of self-realization. According to the theory of self-realization, each of us must decipher what is within us. After all, this is a deliberate, responsible and creative development that makes us fight to become what we aspire to be.

In 1943, Abraham Maslow said that a musician should not make anything that is not music. An artist must paint and a writer must write if he wants to be happy.

Maslow was the designer of the pyramid of needs. He teaches us that every person has ambitions and an innate potential. Ignoring or discouraging those factors will only lead to frustration.

However, we must keep in mind one thing. It is difficult to achieve those ambitions. Like it or not, it is not always possible to align our personal goals with our daily activities.

Plus, sometimes we don’t get the chance to show our potential to the world or dedicate our lives to something we’ve always dreamed of.

Discipline, hope and determination are very important factors in self-realization. Another aspect to accept whatever happens is assuming it won’t be an easy undertaking. Just think of the successful people we mentioned earlier in this article.

Actually, Viktor Frankl pointed out that self-realization is not the goal. Rather, it is a continuous journey in which you learn to get better and get as close as possible to the best version of yourself.


The theory of self-realization

The theory of self-realization comes from humanistic psychology. Abraham Maslow was one of the most important figures in this field. In books like  Toward a Psychology of Being , he elaborated on the following ideas:

  • Self-realization means that you are able to meet your most important needs. These can include social status, emotional ambitions or goals.
  • It’s all about determining what life means to us.
  • This theory states that we should do what is already present in ourselves. So this means there’s no point in dreaming of becoming the next Stephen Hawking if we don’t have the skills to become scientists. Each of us should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses.
  • Carl Rogers is yet another important figure in humanistic psychology. He claims that self-actualization is also about finding a balance between the real you and the ideal you.

On the other hand, there is another detail in this approach that is very interesting. Maslow also defended the idea that we are programmed to realize ourselves. We have a strong need to strike a balance between who we are and who we could be. However, sometimes society can make it difficult for us.

Keys to achieve self-realization

Keys to achieve self-realization

Suppose we focus on Abraham Maslow’s classical theory of human needs. Then we may believe that climbing to the top (self-realization) is actually a linear process. In other words, we must first feel safe.

Then we have to satisfy the following needs: the need to connect with other people, the need to belong and love, and the need for social status. Finally we reach the top.

Certain studies, however, make it clear that we need to reinterpret the theory of self-realization. An example is the study conducted by Wild Whitellman of the University of Atlanta.

Self-realization is not a linear process

Viktor Frankl, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi have all endured much suffering. So they have not fulfilled the pyramid of needs in a straightforward way. Yet they were always focused on self-actualization.

  • Mahatma Gandhi used civil disobedience to free his people. Viktor Frankl set out to discover what life meant to him even though he was in Auschwitz and Dachau. Nelson Mandela didn’t give up when he was in prison.
  • When you are committed to your values ​​and to the power that defines you, loneliness, unemployment or homelessness play no role.

Be persistent and creative

The theory of self-realization reminds us that there is a power within us that allows us to achieve our goals. If you are a musician, you cannot give up your passion and dedicate your life to another profession. After all, you will always feel the need to be who you want to be. So you have to be persistent in your efforts.

Being creative and finding every possible path are the bridges that will help you overcome frustration and reach the top.

Be persistent and creative

Self-realization is within yourself

The psychologist and philosopher Mihaly Csikszentmihaljy also points out that self-actualization is innate. Our potential will slowly but surely manifest itself. So we have to listen to it.

It is important that we focus and shape our potential every day. For example, the people with the ambition to help people will be happy as a nurse, social worker, psychologist or even as a teacher.

There are many scenarios where you can succeed in aligning your goals with your daily activities. When you can do this and once you are surrounded by the responsibilities that you enjoy, you will discover what happiness really feels like.

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