5 Steps To Start A Relationship Right

5 steps to start a relationship right

A stable relationship is supported by a number of pillars formed by both members of the couple. These pillars are established when both partners decide to live as a couple, with an agreed foundation.

In order for them to be durable and have sufficient stability, the couple must spend a reasonable amount of time setting them up. Otherwise, they can be imposed unilaterally by one person without regard to the needs and thoughts of the other.

However, long before establishing those pillars together, before becoming ‘we’, each person must individually show their own values ​​and individuality to the other.

The beginning of a relationship is very important, because it is here where we can show ourselves to the other person so that we can later establish these pillars with him. And for that you need to take into account the following recommendations:

1. Be friends before you become a couple

It is extremely important to have a friend as a partner or future partner. The best way to know if your personalities will complement each other and if you can be a good, stable couple is to be friends first.

Friendship is a relationship based on honesty, trust, and communication, in which we can show ourselves as we are, rather than how the person wants us to be, expects us to be, or asks us to be.

2. Let the relationship develop naturally

Don’t force the relationship. That is, enjoy the now, without worrying impatiently and wondering how things will be between you in the future.

There is no better way to do this than to  spontaneously and naturally enjoy the feelings, behaviors, emotions and surprises that form between two people.


3. Give yourself attention and respect

Starting a new relationship doesn’t mean you have to lose your individuality!  Strive to maintain your  own interests, desires and goals; and if all goes well, they will eventually be part of a more complex project… a couple.

To do this, we must not let ourselves lean to one side to focus on the other person in the relationship, as this does not demonstrate a sufficient level of self-esteem for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Be from the very beginning not afraid to show others who you are : your needs, your thoughts and emotions.

Furthermore , mutual respect must be present in a relationship, from the beginning of the relationship.

4. Observe, get to know the other person and respect him or her

It is important to know the other person’s values, feelings and emotions, as well as his attitude and typical ways – both towards us and towards those around them.

Knowing the other person well helps us respect his values ​​and outlook on life and accept him as he really is, rather than feeding a false, toxic idea of ​​what we thought he would be or how we would wish he was.

With this, we can begin to assess whether we complement each other easily or go hand in hand, so that we can later formulate the pillars of our relationship.

5. Don’t be too quick to label your relationship

And last but not least, after you take the time to become friends, to get to know each other on a deeper level and to observe your own feelings, as well as the other person’s, we can make it together. choosing to put a label on our relationship, calling us a “couple”, knowing that the feelings that bring us together are love and affection.

When we have reached this stage, we are also able to start laying out the pillars of the relationship. A relationship born of the union of two different, individual people who complement each other in their values, attitudes and approach to life and who further decide to share their goals and join forces to ensure that life brings them happiness. will bring.

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