Any Knot Can Be Untied

Every knot can be undone

It is true that most issues that worry us and make us feel anxious and uncomfortable are eventually resolved: remember that as the problems multiply, so can the solutions.

A knot tied around our throats

We feel a pressure on our chest, it is as if someone is constantly putting pressure on it and our stomach is sinking. In addition, the muscles in our esophagus contract, our throat becomes blocked and our mouth becomes dry. In these cases , our problems lead to anxiety attacks characterized by paralyzing symptoms.


In situations of severe emotional stress, the body responds by putting itself into a state of alert. It is a feeling of anxious discomfort that needs to be resolved. We find ourselves in the middle of the fog and see no way out.

The truth is that we don’t all deal with difficulties in life in the same way, but we all have stones and worries in our path that we would like to avoid. There are those who manage to overcome obstacles efficiently and others who think that the knot of problems is bigger than themselves. If you belong to this latter group, please keep reading.

There is a process associated with untying the knot

Each knot is a different size and what may seem easy from the outside can feel like an abyss on the inside. We don’t all wear the same shoes nor do they all fit us equally well when we start walking. Whatever the case, having a problem will always involve a process of overcoming it.

Confronting the knot that is holding us back from moving forward requires four major steps: identifying exactly what is happening to us, fully understanding that we will have to be courageous to find a solution, evaluating what options we have, and making an effort to apply our decision so that we can learn from it.


Any disruption requires calmness and serenity, and if we can’t find it, we’ll have to look for it. Only then will we be able to see clearly what options we have and which option will help us get out of the situation we find ourselves in. Therefore, the largest part of the process consists of analyzing the pros and cons of each possible solution.

When we’ve untied the knot

Any knot can be loosened and this will happen the moment we manage to relax our body. Overcoming the problem involves understanding who it affects and how, as we have seen, then applying the solution and learning from what we have experienced.

All bad moments carry a lesson and all pain is needed to find an emotional balance. Even if our problems make us think that the bad state we are in will not get us anywhere, it will actually help us to realize that we are stronger than we think.

Moreover, the most important thing about this matter is not only the lesson to be learned, but also that we look at the knot from a distance and realize that we can untie it. When problems pass and we have found solutions for them, they suddenly seem easier, different, further away.

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