Are You Actually Happy With Your Life?

Are you happy? It’s not always easy to discover what makes you smile inside. In fact, the first obstacle you may find yourself is not asking a few simple questions, the kind that can help you gauge how satisfied you are with your life.
Are you actually happy with your life?

You may already know that there is no such thing as complete happiness. Instead, happiness is a path you consciously take. This is the path we are going to discuss here today. Being happy with your life means enjoying your life most of the time.

However, happiness has much more to do with dynamics than static things. This is because we thrive through change. Get up every morning with plans, but then change them and improvise if you want. Then go to bed with the satisfaction of another successful day, as opposed to the routine you end the days with.

That kind of happiness that arouses in yourself is a kind of calm euphoria. It is knowing deep down that everything in your life is in flux. The pace can be fast or slow, but you always keep moving.

Most people are not always aware of their internal state. Knowing if you are happy with your life means you have to ask yourself a lot of questions. You will also have to answer them honestly. It’s like checking your car.

You need to test your emotional state from time to time to strengthen yourself and also to regulate the sails of the boat that is your life, especially if you have lost your way a bit.

How often do you complain about your life?

A woman looks down

This is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. It’s not just about avoiding your complaints. It’s about finding out if and why you keep repeating the same complaints. If you repeat them often, you may have entered a vicious circle.

Note that complaints originate in frustration, discomfort and perceived damage. People complain as a way to release tension. However, you should also know that complaining makes you focus only on the negative side of things, rather than easing the tension, 

Complaining has two outcomes: either you accept a situation or you do something to get out of it. Unfortunately, there are times when it is not possible to get out. So if the only option you have is to accept your situation, analyze it. Learn from it and focus on something else as soon as possible.

Are you surrounded by the right people?

This is a difficult question because we can’t always choose the people we have around. It goes without saying that you don’t always find next to kinship at work or even within your own family.

That’s why learning how to create emotional filters for use with toxic people is an important step. Learning to see the impact others have on your emotional state is a very healthy exercise. It helps you deal with them without bothering you. Above all, accept that some people are just not good for you.

Attracting the right people into your life or taking care of those who are already there is just as important. The people who make you feel good are the people you can be yourself with without masks. They are the people who support you in everything you do or decide, the ones you love to spend time with.

Are you happy with your life right now?

A man and a woman hug each other

Sometimes people get carried away by the memory of the many happy moments of their past or become permanent residents of the magical world of the future.

However, there are many things that the present has to offer. So it is always the right time to fully enjoy the simple pleasures. After all, that’s what the pleasant memories of the future are about.

For example, dive into the world of a good book or spend an entire afternoon cooking. Plus, go for a long walk and get lost in every detail. Or watch that movie you’ve been wanting to see for a while.

The meaning of fun is different for everyone. That is why it is important to recognize the moments that make you happy. Collecting moments like that will help you identify how happy you are with your life.

Do everything that makes you feel good. Avoid getting caught up in the many problems or obstacles you may encounter in your life. This is a good path to follow.

Your inner smile has little to do with optimism. People who smile for no particular reason do so because they are happy inside. It is the kind of joy that comes from having inner peace.

They know that they are not perfect and that they are doing their best. Also, they are not afraid of loneliness and rarely compare themselves with others. Inner happiness is mainly about being true to yourself.

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