Being Young When You Are 80 Or Being Old When You Are 18

Being young when you are 80 or being old when you are 18

Harriet Thompson, at 92 years old, was the oldest woman to ever run a marathon. She finished the Rock’n Roll Marathon in San Diego in just over seven hours and twenty minutes. Harriet is the perfect example of how to keep feeling young despite your age. The ravages of time and the wrinkles created by life need not affect the soul.

Old age is often associated with death, physical problems, memory loss, loneliness and the deterioration of the body in general. To age well, it is important to get rid of your negative thoughts and enjoy all phases of life. Fortunately, life expectancy has increased by more than twenty years in recent centuries. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, life expectancy was between 45 and 50 years.

In 2013, Cell magazine published a study by Spanish experts that analyzed the keys to aging. One of the main goals of this research was to understand and combat aging and to fight cancer. Aging causes damage to DNA during life and that process can cause cancer, diabetes, heart problems and conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

Feeling young is an attitude

Youth is an attitude towards life. Aging is something we cannot avoid. All we can do is reduce some of the effects it has on our bodies. Exercise, healthy eating, living in a good climate and avoiding excessive drug, tobacco and alcohol use are some of the factors that can help slow down aging.

But  if we keep the attitude of a young person, we can also enjoy the learning process that comes with aging. Here are some strategies we’ve collected to help you stay young:

Keep making your dreams come true

As we get older, we see that there are dreams that we didn’t realize because we didn’t have time for them or because we thought they were impossible. But just because you’ve gotten older doesn’t mean you have to feel too old to be able to achieve anything…

It doesn’t mean that we should act like teenagers, but that we shouldn’t give up the things we want to do because we’ve gotten older: studying, traveling, exercising, meeting new people and so on. Our skills are generally much broader than we think.

Mature Couple with Chanpagne

Update yourself

Fashion, technology and society in general are constantly changing. It is good to adapt to changes and learn new things to stay young, with an active mind that is always on the move.

Protect your time and space

As we get older, we tend to focus more on others than on ourselves. It is important to find the space to do what we like, to take good care of ourselves and to respect the time we spend on these activities. It is important to find a balance between time you spend with others and time you spend on yourself.

Smile wherever you can

Laughter is something that makes you feel younger. Laughing at yourself, at all the fun things that happen every day…  You can look back on everything with a sense of humor. You can even have laughter therapy, where you have fun and also meet other people.

Being old at eighteen

There are people who have experienced a life full of difficulties or who feel old while they are still young. People who don’t adapt to the changes in life, who shut themselves up at home, who don’t socialize with others, people who are old without being old. But what causes these kinds of conditions?


People who feel old have often left their dreams behind. Whether through life’s circumstances or by choice, they don’t realize they have a long way to go. If you run out of dreams and don’t want to make them come true, it causes aging. You have to enjoy the present.

In addition, many of these people have low self-confidence. They don’t love themselves, don’t value themselves, and because of this, they lock themselves up in their minds, too afraid to get out. Increasing self-confidence makes them more open and they begin to communicate with others and their environment again. It’s not about how many wrinkles you have, it’s about laughing at life.

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