Can New Technologies Be Used As Therapeutics?

Can new technologies be used as therapeutic agents?

New technologies have changed our habits and ways of life. Today we can’t even leave the house without our smartphones. We constantly check our emails and social networks. These new technologies are here to stay, partly because we have built our lives around them.

There are tons of nostalgic people who are giving up on these new forms of communication and what they imply. But we can’t deny that it can make our lives easier and more enjoyable. In the field of psychology, more and more new technologies are being used as therapeutic tools, as they have several important advantages.

Sometimes new technology is used because it reduces costs. It could also be because it gives people with busy lives or who travel a lot access to services. Or even because it can simulate different exposure therapy situations in a very controlled way. People are beginning to apply technological tools in psychology to treat various conditions, such as specific phobias, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety disorders, and OCD.

New technologies

Virtual reality

From a cognitive-behavioral perspective, one strategy to treat specific phobias is to expose to the object of the fear. However, with certain phobias, actual exposure can be difficult or even dangerous. That’s why some psychologists have started using technology. To remove  fear of flying, for example, they use flight simulators that are very similar to the use of pilots in training.

Virtual reality can be a useful way to recreate the dreaded object or situation. It can be applied to fear of animals, heights, or even public speaking. This method is increasingly used as virtual simulations become more realistic.

Another advantage of virtual reality is the possibility of undergoing therapy at home. Of course, technology cannot take the place of trained therapists, but it can facilitate the tasks that the client can work on at home. It is a resource that can save time and sometimes even money. It is not the only tool that can be used to treat phobias, but it is a good addition to therapy.

Cognitive stimulation on the computer

Cognitive stimulation is a form of intervention aimed at exercising certain cognitive functions. It can be used to enhance or improve functions that have been affected by a disorder. This strategy is normally used in people with dementia and works with memory, language and related functions.

Many cognitive stimulation programs have been developed that use tablets and computers. Initially treating dementia was the main goal, but today they are also used for other conditions, such as ADHD, stroke and brain injury.

This method is very versatile and allows to personalize the treatment, while also being cheap.

For older populations, the use of new technologies is in itself a form of incentive, as they need to learn how to use them. Many scientific studies use cognitive stimulation with new technologies. They achieve positive results in doing so.

Social media

Future perspectives for the use of new technologies in psychotherapy

Technology promises to be increasingly present in psychotherapy practice. For example, there are already psychologists who offer therapy sessions via Skype. Also, there are already apps specifically designed to track your mood. You can find many apps that promise to improve your mental health. With the growing number of technologies on offer, it is important to be able to identify which ones will be useful to you.

Not all apps live up to the original promise of improving mental health. When you pick one, look for studies that support the app. In no case can apps be a substitute for an expert. They can be useful as an aid, and they can facilitate or enhance the effects of therapy, but they will never replace a real psychologist.

Finally, we would like to emphasize the role of technology in performing psychometric tests. This can dramatically speed up the evaluation phase and immediately report on the results. In this way, the psychologist does not have to “assess” the test, but can simply interpret the results and integrate them with other test results and evaluations. This allows him or her to spend more time developing an accurate evaluation tool.

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