Close Some Doors To Open Others

Close some doors to open others

It’s so hard to close the doors to the past and keep your eyes on the future ! It can be difficult to open ourselves up to new relationships or to accept that it’s time to end a relationship. Many people prefer not to give up their harmful relationships for fear of change.

Have you ever considered the risks of staying in a situation that makes you unhappy? If you get carried away by ideas like ‘What if I don’t find anyone else?’, ‘What if I regret it?’ and ‘What if it goes wrong?’, you’ll only get stuck halfway through.

Keeping the doors to the past open will distract you

It’s so hard to break free from everything you know and everything that has influenced you. However, keeping the doors to the past open will keep you from focusing on what’s important to you now.

If you go through life with one foot in a relationship that isn’t working anymore, that guy who likes you and who might be exactly what you’re looking for won’t even catch your eye.

The same can happen in every other aspect of life. If you’re just dealing with that friend who hurt you, you won’t be able to enjoy the company of the people who are now coming into your life. Closing doors and leaving the past behind gives you time to follow your dreams and focus on new goals.


Free yourself from the chains of the past and take risks

It’s a big mistake to keep a door open to the past just because you think you might be able to return to the life you long for. The past may have been great and it may make you very emotional, but you shouldn’t stand still. After all, the future will also bring you worthwhile experiences.

Waiting for someone who was once your best friend to come back to you won’t make it happen. Grow, change your appearance, move to another city and seize the opportunities that arise. Don’t be afraid and don’t think you have to be there for someone who has left you.

You can’t go through life waiting for someone who has left without explanation or wait until someone who never saw you before will appreciate you now. One day they might regret and come to see you, but what if this never happens? Are you going to live your life only when others appreciate you or will you appreciate yourself no matter what happens?

Being obsessed with the past will make you unhappy

They say that people living in the past will be consumed by depression. If you think about it, this is not hard to believe. If you can only think about the things you once had, you will forget what you have now and what you could have in the future.

That’s why it’s so important to close those doors. You don’t want to be consumed with nostalgia and a longing for what once was. It’s good to remember where you came from so you can keep both feet on the ground, but you should pay more attention to what you have today.

Enjoy what you have, laugh with the people by your side and plan for the future. It doesn’t make much sense to do anything else. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to look at your life ten years from now and be sad that you haven’t lived it to the fullest.

Be realistic and see the future as an opportunity

You may think you can’t end a friendship because that particular friend can help you get what you want. This may be so, but have you ever thought about whether that friend is actually willing to do that? Maybe he doesn’t even see you as a real friend anymore.


In addition, it could also be that you commit yourself in this way to things that do not even interest you. Keeping these doors open may seem like a good idea, but it will only flood you with obligations that will turn into a gigantic burden over time.

Get rid of the habit of keeping doors open

You have developed a habit of keeping the doors to the past open. At least that way the possibility will always exist, after all, you never know. Maybe that friend still needs you, maybe your ex will become interested in you again, maybe that job will still be released, etc.

The truth is that you cannot wait your whole life for circumstances to adjust to your desires. You need to end situations that don’t fit your future. This is the secret to getting ahead.

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