Do New Technologies Change How The Brain Works?

Do new technologies change how the brain works?

It would be naive to believe that new technologies have no effect on how the brain works. Computers and so-called “smart devices” are actually, as the word suggests, extensions of the various functions of our brain. They are designed to facilitate the operation of the higher powers.

We are confronted with new technologies in a way. This also changes our way of thinking when we perform many activities.

The  Gay sapiens  learned to use his hands in new ways. That led to changes in his brain. In the same way, today we make changes to how the brain works based on how we carry out commands.

So far, there is no research that provides evidence of radical changes. These are only minor changes that have been implemented quickly and in large numbers. Where will this take us? We do not know yet. What we do know is that we have lost some skills and developed others.

From memorization to searching

From memorization to search: an effect of new technologies on the functioning of the brain

Before the appearance of new technologies, we used our memory much more. After all, access to information was not as easy then as it is now. We could write things down to look at them later. So we helped ourselves with notes, phone books or tricks to remember the data we needed to have on hand.

With the emergence of new technologies, memory began to lose importance. This is also because the amount of data online is overwhelming. No memory can hold so much information without ceasing. So our memory has changed.

People also select the data they want to remember. Likewise, we no longer have as much memory as we used to. Maybe we don’t trust it as much anymore.

However, we are developing more and more capabilities to seek out the information we need. The first contacts with new technologies caused confusion.

Many of us didn’t know where to start looking for the answers to the questions asked. That is now a thing of the past. Now we have much more data retrieval skills. We can also more quickly assess their validity.

Video games and wide view

Many sources claim that video games are linked to compulsive behavior. They would contribute little to the functioning of the brain and even make people sick. It is also said that they can make the players lose their sense of reality. Their only effect would be to alienate people.

All this is true in extreme situations. However, it is also true that video games can be an interesting way to test our minds. For example, we can improve the sharpness of our wide-angle vision through video games. This is especially true for war video games.

The visual system has a central focus. It makes it possible to fix your gaze on something. You can then examine all the details. At the same time, there is another zone that we call the periphery. He gets a partial grip on some details of the environment.

In war or combat games we are forced to use a much broader focus. After all, the enemies can appear from every corner.

Video games and wide view

Mobile devices and social networks

Mobile phone use has grown exponentially in less than a decade. There are very few people who have not yet transformed these devices into an extension of their body. From these devices we can exchange messages, data or all kinds of information.

Science studies this phenomenon. Some scientists show that the brain has changed the way it controls the hand when people use cell phones. The area of ​​the brain that controls the thumbs has expanded in a significant way. This is a response to the new way we use our fingers.

Mobile devices and social networks

There are still many mysteries about social networks. No one can deny that they have changed the way we treat and behave towards others. Of course, this also requires a change in the functioning of the brain.

To date, the real impact of these changes has not been established. The way we communicate and interact with each other is changing. We can’t even imagine what the consequences of all this change will be.

New technologies have undoubtedly changed the way we live and do things. Like all major changes in civilization, this one seems irreversible. Of course it includes losses and gains.

New technologies represent a new stage in the history of the human brain. We must now try to discover and use their full potential. 

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