Do Sharp Blades Make The Deepest Wounds?

Do sharp knives make the deepest wounds?

Sharp blades don’t make the deepest wounds. The deepest wounds are the result of words, lies, absences and inaccuracy. They are wounds that cannot be seen on the skin but are very painful. Their blood is sad tears. People shed these tears in seclusion and in silent bitterness…

The injured are lost for a while. When some of these wounds have healed over time, they suddenly realize something. They notice that they have changed: they still feel vulnerable. Sometimes they make the biggest possible mistake: in self-defense they build an iron wall. They erect the wall with nails of mistrust. Or they use the hammer of anger and even the barbed wire of resentment. They put up these defense mechanisms to prevent them from ever being hurt again.

It can also be different

But no one can live their entire life on the defensive. We must not moor our boat permanently in the harbors of solitude, where we are banned and deprived of happiness.

Dealing with suffering is hard and conscientious work. As Jung would say, we need to reconnect with our own shadow and rediscover our self-confidence.

Improving this unity again is something no one can achieve alone. It is an act of tangible solitude that we undertake almost as a rite of passage.

Only those who are able to bravely and decisively confront the demons of their traumas will emerge victorious from this jungle of poisonous thorns. But it is also true that the person who emerges from this hostile scenario will never be the same again.

He will be stronger.

Girl With Flowers In Her Hair And Butterflies All Around Her Thinking About Her Deepest Wounds

Balm for a hurt mind

The balm for the wounded mind is balance. It is being able to take steps towards acceptance and let go of everything that brings you down and hurts you. You manage to exchange the torn fragile skin for a harder and a more beautiful one, which will dug up the weary heart so that it does not catch a cold. While we keep that in mind, we should also not forget that there are many deep roots that continue to nourish the source of your pain. These ramifications continue to sustain the pain instead of healing the wounds.

For example, hating your vulnerability is one of these nutrients. Some deny it and take it out on that apparent weakness. We live in a society that forbids us to be vulnerable.

But you can accept your most vulnerable part and realize that you have been hurt. At the same time, you know you deserve to be peacefully happy. That is a balm for the wounded mind. The important thing is that we love ourselves enough to accept these broken parts without resentment. Without running away from our affection or that of others.

The effect of resentment

Another root that feeds our wounded minds is the woodworm of resentment. Believe it or not, this emotion tends to “poison” our brains. In fact, resentment can be so powerful that it changes our thinking patterns. Prolonged resentment changes our view of the world and of people. No one can find any balm in this personal cage.

Girl Standing Next To A Flower Bush And Looking Sad For Her Deepest Wounds

These deep and invisible wounds will live forever in the depths of our being. But we have two options. The first is to be trapped in this pain to the bitter end. The second is to take off your armor and accept and feel your own vulnerability. Only in this way will power, knowledge and that liberating step towards the future develop. 

We are all a little broken but each of us is brave

We all carry our broken parts with us. The lost pieces of those puzzles we never managed to finish. A traumatic childhood, a painful relationship, the loss of a loved one… day after day we experience one form after another without noticing those invisible wounds. The personal battles that each of us has gone through has shaped who we are today. Going through this courageous and dignified makes us nobler. It makes us much more beautiful creatures.

We must be able to find ourselves again. The broken corners within us push us completely away from our inner structure on which our identity, worth and self-image rested. We’re like half-finished souls. We don’t recognize ourselves in the mirror. Or we convince ourselves that we no longer deserve to be liked or liked again.

Girl Standing Next To A Flower Bush And Sorrowful About Her Deepest Wounds

The Keys to Bravely Healing Your Deepest Wounds

In Japanese there is an expression ‘ Arigato zaishö’. Literally translated this means ‘thank you illusion’. But after many years it has acquired a different, very interesting feel in the field of personal growth. It shows us the subtle ability people have to turn suffering, difficult feelings and bitterness into a lesson.

Let’s open our eyes from within and gain new hope. For when we focus on the torture these wounds cause, we completely lose the ability to gain knowledge and acumen.

To achieve this , we must avoid turning our feelings into that hammer that complains and saws at the same nail over and over again. Because that way the hole will get bigger and bigger.

We can stop these recurring thoughts of fear, those harsh emotions and feelings of guilt. That is undoubtedly the first step. But at the same time, it is also good to focus all our attention on the future.

When we find ourselves in that dark room where our only company is bitterness and hard feelings, our future prospects burn up. They cease to exist. We have to get used to the light little by little. We focus on the daylight, we find new hope and undertake new projects.

Over the course of our lives, we may become “buried” under the veil of pain created by these invisible wounds. But remember this! We are seeds. We are capable of budding and growing during the greatest adversities and shouting out loud: ‘ Arigato zaishö’ .

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