Doubts About Love: Should You End Your Relationship Or Not?

Doubts about love: should you end your relationship or not?

We all have doubts about love from time to time. Relationships need sensitivity, attention and sometimes some patience. That’s why it’s not surprising that we sometimes ask ourselves if it’s worth keeping the relationship.

It often happens that we have doubts about love, but most of the time we are not prepared for it. So when the doubts come, we don’t handle it well. Do my doubts mean I’m not with the right person? Should I break up even though everything is fine so far?

Sometimes doubts are a sign that there is a deeper problem that you need to solve. The relationship may not work. But  most of the time, it’s a sign that our expectations of a relationship aren’t that realistic.

In this case, it does not necessarily mean that there is a serious problem if you have doubts about love. In today’s article, you will learn to tell these two types of doubts apart.

Why do we have doubts about love

Doubts about a romantic relationship can have many different causes. Some of them say nothing about the health of the relationship. Others, however, are an indication that the relationship needs to change. In general  , the most common doubts about love arise in the following situations:

  • In response to a change  (external or internal)
  • When a partner is attracted to someone else

Let’s take a closer look at these two situations.

Girl with heart

When the relationship changes

Romantic movies have done a lot of damage. The films are almost always only about the beginning of the relationship, when the feelings are still very strong and everything seems perfect. Both partners are a good match and they spend whole days staring into each other’s eyes. But the cameras are not present during the further course of the relationship.

When you start a relationship with a new person, sometimes you are so in love that you only see their good qualities. You ignore all the negative things you see. You start a relationship that will make you very happy for the first few months.

Then what is the problem? Those feelings stop at some point. According to recent studies of love, this phase lasts between three and twelve months.

Then the feelings change and the real romantic love begins. While this is the normal evolution of a relationship, many of us panic when those first feelings disappear. Then the doubts arise about love and about your relationship. You may also start to doubt your partner.

If something like this happened to you, don’t worry. This is normal. The most important thing is that you focus  on good communication and trust. It is also crucial to maintain the passion in the long run. According to the researchers, these are the fundamental components of long-lasting love.

At that point  , two people have to work as a team if they want to keep their relationship healthy. In general, all relationships have ups and downs. But if the couple keeps the balance and the communication stays open, they will come out stronger.

What if there is someone else?

Hollywood is again bombarding us with love propaganda here, which is very damaging. Doubts arise when you are no longer attracted to your partner or when you find out that your partner is attracted to a new person. But  does that mean your relationship is doomed to fail? Not necessarily.

insecure woman

The truth is, for most of us, being in love doesn’t mean we’ll never be attracted to someone else again. The opposite is even true. But you  ‘ve made a connection with your partner,  and it’s more important than a temporary temptation.

So if you’re attracted to someone else and you have doubts about love, take a deep breath. It’s not the end of the world, and it’s not the end of the relationship. You are the only one who is able to decide  whether to end the relationship or not. Just make sure you think it through and don’t make a hasty decision, guided by emotion.

Infidelity is, of course, an entirely different subject. In these cases, the problem is not the temptation, but the broken trust. Both partners then have to decide whether they can rebuild this or whether they would rather break up and start over.

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