Eight Reasons To Make Time To Be Alone

Eight reasons to make time to be alone

As social creatures, which we are by nature, we spend too much time in some periods of our lives sharing our experiences and emotions with the people we love. Within this valuable group of people we often forget the most important person: ourselves. From time to time it is important to spend some time alone so that we can find ourselves again.

Being alone

1. Loneliness purifies the soul

The superfluous information that we receive throughout the day through our loved ones, our work, our friends, the media and ourselves can have a pretty unhealthy influence on our bodies. That is why it is recommended to spend a moment alone during the day so that we can put all those worries aside and reconnect with ourselves, allowing us to rest for a while.

2. Creativity comes from peace and tranquility

By staying calm when faced with loneliness, you can expand your mind and unleash your human talents. Loneliness gives us the opportunity to create and have fun without the help of another. Loneliness is the true origin of creativity.

3. Loneliness makes you more confident

Nothing is better for your self-confidence than listening to your own inner voice and analyzing the pros and cons of a particular situation based on your own experiences in life. If we stopped for a moment, we could listen to ourselves and find out what we need or how we can find ourselves.

4. It helps you improve your decision-making skills

When you are alone, you can escape the world around you, the worries and the emotions that your environment conveys, making it easier for you to calm down and make choices that are good for you as a person. And probably you can also achieve something really fascinating: seeing the people around you from a completely different side, a side that is full of positive options.

Time Forgotten

5. It helps you leave stress and anxiety behind

When we are alone, we have a chance to gather our thoughts and regain the strength we need to recover from a day full of energy and emotional burdens. Loneliness will help you understand what you need and what you can let go of to achieve emotional stability.

6. It makes you more efficient at what you do

You have probably felt the need to ask for space and a little alone time so that you could complete a certain task faster and better. Time alone can help you clarify your thoughts, create a plan of action, and determine the steps you need to take to make your dreams come true,  the perfect ingredients to successfully achieve your goals.

7. It Strengthens Your Relationships

The fact is that our loved ones don’t need our attention all day long. This can be summed up by the principle of life: “First we must learn to love ourselves and then learn how to love another unique, extraordinary person.”  By having time for yourself and being able to dedicate yourself to yourself, you will learn to enjoy these emotions with the people you love.

8. It allows you to see the sincere and precious face of your life

I learned something wonderful during my moments alone, where I could listen to my heart and feel my soul. Namely what my essence is. Being alone gives you the chance to find yourself, to discover that always wonderful magic that we all carry within us as beautiful people.

If you have never discovered the value of silence with yourself, then I invite you to try it for yourself, to dare to take a step towards the unknown. You alone with yourself…

–Images thanks to Soledad Mansilla–

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