Five Things Intuitive People Do Differently

Five things intuitive people do differently

Steve Jobs once said that “the intuition is incredibly powerful, more powerful than the intellect.” And he wasn’t wrong. In fact, he and other great minds have shown that intuition is a powerful tool, especially in the world we live in today. Even Albert Einstein said, “The only thing that is really valuable is the intuition.”

The bottom line is that our intuition helps us protect ourselves. It helps us make decisions while taking our emotions into account. It is like a kind of radar that warns us of imminent danger or unrealized possibilities. It is our beacon of light that guides us through life.

While we all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, not everyone knows how to connect with their inner voice. No wonder, then, that people who tend to listen to their hearts when faced with a difficult decision do things differently.

Be true to yourself by following your intuition

Intuition plays an important role in our daily life. Many of the decisions we make are the product of our intuition rather than logical reflection. In most cases, we simply follow our gut feeling without thinking too much about it. Often we also combine both sources of information to make a decision: both intuition and reason.

That said, when we have to make important decisions, especially those that go against established social and cultural norms, we need to listen to our intuition. Intuitive people choose to be true to themselves and follow their gut feeling. That makes a huge difference to everything that follows.

Do intuitive people make better decisions? Are they more successful because they follow their gut feeling? This question definitely has more than one answer. Just because you follow your intuition doesn’t mean you have a monopoly on the absolute truth.

What following your intuition does give you is a stronger sense of control: not over the circumstances, but over yourself. Ultimately, doing what is supposedly the right thing won’t guarantee anything either. The difference is that if you follow your intuition, you know that you are the writer of your story, the owner of your decisions.

Creative intuitive thinking process, as an example of what intuitive people do differently

What do intuitive people do differently?

Most of us admire intuitive people. We admire their freedom, their confidence, and the effect these factors have on them. So the question is, if we all have intuition, why don’t we follow it?

Are we scared? Do we not trust ourselves enough to follow our inner voice? Are we so crazy that we are unable to do what we think we should?

How can we begin to trust our intuition? How can we let our intuition flourish? We can begin by observing and analyzing the intuitive people we admire so much. By applying their actions, we can begin to find our hidden inner self. We can give a voice to those inner thoughts that will guide us.

Intuitive people listen to their inner voice

Intuitive people don’t ignore their feelings. Instead, they listen to them and use them as a resource in decision-making. Many people are skeptical about this approach, but people who hear their inner voice loud and clear know they can’t argue with it. They are not trying to silence this voice.

The big difference is that intuitive people don’t care if everyone around them thinks the whole “inner voice” thing is crazy. They still listen to it, whether it’s something simple or whether it means going against everything and everyone. In some cases, it could make the difference between life and death.

It’s interesting because most people have had an experience where listening to their intuition has helped them in some way. Maybe it was something small or unimportant. Or maybe it was just a small push in a direction that saved someone something important or led to a big opportunity.

Intuitive people need to spend time alone

In order to listen to that inner voice, intuitive people need rest and alone time. Only then can they develop their inner strength. Only then can they hear themselves. That’s why these types of people are often quite introverted.

This need to be alone, to listen and feel their own energy is because they need it to align themselves with their feelings and perspectives. Through meditation and/or spiritual practice, these people are able to suppress the noise of the rest of the world and pay attention to their inner knowledge.

It is therefore logical that intuitive people tend to suffer less from ‘mental fog’. They have learned to sit in silence with only themselves for company. They feel comfortable with themselves.

Girl who enjoys being alone, exemplifying the things intuitive people do differently

Intuitive people see everything around them

A general trait of intuitive people is that they pay attention to their environment and empathize with others. Just as they pay attention to their inner world, intuitive people also look at the outer world with open eyes and open hearts. Since they have already learned to connect with themselves, they are also able to connect with others on a deep level.

In fact, intuitive people have a special ability to understand what others are feeling. They also know what other people want to say before they even say it. This helps them to understand each person on an individual level.

Intuitive people are very creative

If we look closely, we can see that throughout history an awful lot of the great artists, politicians and scientists who have made big changes in the way we do things have been intuitive people. Their creativity, inspired by their feelings, made them do things differently. They asked different questions and came up with surprising answers.

This creativity fueled by intuition makes creative people feel alive, free and useful. In this sense, they know that nurturing their creativity allows life force to flow through their veins.  And that, in turn, feeds their instincts.

Intuitive people connect with their gut feeling

Scientists have discovered that our gut is our second brain. This is due to the large number of neurons lining the intestinal wall. But intuitive people already know that their gut contains wisdom and intuition. Most of us have been through it. But maybe we didn’t know how to listen to it or maybe we chose to ignore it.

For the skeptical among us, it may be worth noting that some experts believe that our instincts are more efficient and effective during decision-making than logical analysis. This emerged from a study conducted by researchers at Boston University, Rice University, and George Mason University.

The truth is that intuitive people don’t care how fast the world moves or what other people think or expect. They make time to listen to their inner guide.

Couple in love enjoying the night together

We live in a world that values ​​our logical brain more than our emotional brain

It is not easy to be an intuitive person, especially when your feeling goes against the norm and the ‘logical explanation’. Sometimes to a lesser extent, other times to a greater extent. But it does not matter. However you look at it, trusting your intuition and enjoying the results it produces means going against the grain.

Doing things the right way is something we are taught from childhood. But who says there is only one right way of doing things? Perhaps ‘always doing everything the right way’ is the cause of all the misery in today’s world.

You can use your logical brain or follow your intuition. What do you feel you should do?

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