Giving Yourself Time Is Necessary, But Also Giving Yourself Love

Give yourself time is necessary, but also give yourself love

We go through life without ever giving ourselves a few minutes to check how we are doing. Emotional ignorance can sometimes be a survival tactic at some point. But it’s a very bad habit if you want to be healthy. To resist this temptation, there is no better medicine than giving yourself time. It must also be quality time. So it must be time that leaves you with a good feeling.

One of the best ways to do that is to give yourself love, small doses of daily love. This is how you will begin to connect with your inner self. So read on and learn some practical ways to love yourself.

Learn how to love yourself

Almost every day we give our love to other people. But we have a bad habit of forgetting ourselves. Yet there is no better support system for happy relationships and personal well-being than self-love. Can you imagine a better investment?

Give yourself time

When you give yourself love in small doses, you promote healthy self-confidence. We can describe self-confidence as the positive attitude we have towards ourselves. It encourages us to think, feel and act in the way that gives you the most satisfaction possible. Giving yourself time is important, but if you want to love yourself too, keep reading.

What should you do?

  • Learn about yourself. This first aspect is fundamental. Each of us is a unique release. Getting to know your strengths and weaknesses will help you figure out where to invest more time and energy. One why giving yourself time is so important. Also remember that we are constantly changing. So we will never stop discovering new things about ourselves.
  • Accept yourself unconditionally. Accepting yourself means acknowledging yourself. Doing something in an unconditional way means doing it no matter what our limitations are and what situation we find ourselves in. You don’t want to become your own worst enemy.
  • Respect and value yourself. The greatest support you have is your own, as long as you respect yourself. That is why it is important that you remember that you are not only a collection of your failures, but also of your victories. If you have to criticize yourself, at least do it constructively. You’ve done more good things than you think…
  • Look at your full potential. Beyond what you have accomplished, there is a whole world of possibilities. You are constantly changing. So the goal is to learn how to make the most of change. The saying that you are never too old to learn is famous for a reason…
  • Build good relationships. Healthy relationships with others will help you acquire good habits and make you happy. There is nothing better than being with people who make you feel peaceful.
  • Work on your health and happiness. Focusing on how to be happy is fundamental. But we must always remember that sometimes it is good to postpone short-term satisfaction for the long-term. In this case, happiness is more than just balance. Because it’s about making choices intelligently, based on time and circumstances.
  • Pay attention to your needs. It is impossible to be healthy and happy without paying attention to what you need. This can be on a physical as well as psychological level. That is why you should stop and think about how you are doing.

Invest in quality time

When you have learned how to love yourself, you can really spend quality time with yourself and others. Because giving yourself time and a few minutes of real presence is worth more than thousands of hours of being distracted and disconnected.

You can start by setting aside part of your day to check in on how you are doing. It is a moment when you ask yourself how you are doing. Are you on the right path to achieve your goals? Do you need a short break to break free from the jumble of thoughts accumulating in your mind? It’s about giving yourself time to relax and find peace.

Give yourself time

Deep breathing in and out is an exercise that can help. It’s a pretty simple activity: try to breathe in and out just ten times a minute. In the beginning it will be difficult. Because you’re used to doing this about sixteen to seventeen times a minute. But with practice you will get the hang of it. The habit of taking a deep breath will also help you place yourself in the present and not get buried under a mountain of constant worry.

Another option is to dedicate time during the week to something you enjoy. You will not have a good time. And it is also a way to give yourself love and attention.


We must not forget that if you do not give yourself love and time, you will not be able to give it to someone else. So set aside some time in your calendar to give yourself love. That way you will be ready to give the people around you the greatest gift – your love.

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