Judging Someone Else Defines Yourself

By judging someone else you define yourself

We are human beings, all different and unique. We all have our own behavior patterns, a certain personality and an important inner self that reveals clues about who we really are. Unfortunately, this makes it easier for us to doubt others and allow ourselves to judge others. But in reality, when a person judges another, he reveals more about himself than he wants to say about the other.

I respect you the way you are and I don’t judge you

It’s hard to deny the ease with which we judge others. We can meet as many different people as we can do by talking about these people without getting to know them better. And also when we know them, but don’t listen to them properly.

The thing is, my tastes are different from yours; I don’t behave exactly as you would behave in my place anyway, and it is also very likely that certain things do not affect me the same as they would affect you.


Therefore, healthy relationships are maintained through respect and tolerance, including those that are only business. We have to accept people as they really are.

If anyone has ever told you that you are special, this person was right. You are special because of the peculiar way you view the world and live in it.

So when you judge someone, it comes down to the fact that you don’t understand who this person is. We don’t know what a person has been through, what made them the person they are today, and how much it hurts them to be criticized for no valid reason.

I like myself the way I am and I don’t want anyone to judge me

People often say that in order to understand someone else, you have to put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a while, but when we judge someone, we don’t do that at all.

We feel misunderstood, discouraged and sometimes even our self-confidence suffers. We want other people to think positively about us, to be concerned about us, and to accept us. We need people who love us and who value our uniqueness more than other secondary things.

Girl with Balloon

When we judge others, we define ourselves

We’ve already talked about the fact that harming others can harm yourself, so it’s just as important to know who others are as it is to make sure others know who you are. The secret in this is that others get to know us through our actions.

So if you are in the habit of often judging others, you will become known and judged for it. But it could just as well be that this is not the case at all and that you feel that you are being judged unfairly.

However, the person who is currently judging you is probably giving away more about themselves than they are about you. And if it continues to really bother you, try to remember that you can always lend your shoes to someone who keeps judging your path.

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