Love Is Sharing Your Soul

Love is sharing your soul

Under your skin lives your soul. Sometimes he is hidden among doubts, or abducted by fear. Other times he is brave, showing the wounds he has suffered during life. But you only feel comfortable when you can share your soul with the people who are very close to you.

Although the shield that protects your soul seems thin and weak, it is harder and more durable than you think. It’s disguised as frank innocence, but it really is the most powerful defense against outside threats.

But of course we still feel the fear of our memories. From those who approach us like wolves, who want to own our bodies without caring about our soul and personality. There is no greater enemy than this type of person – someone who only does things out of self-interest and doesn’t care about others.

With a simple look you can see the skin, but it is much more difficult to get to know the soul that lurks beneath.

Two people passionately embracing each other and sharing their souls

Look beyond someone’s image

To really get to know someone, you have to look beyond the image they project. Often that image is just a hard shell that hides who they really are. Often it is only the fear that they will be hurt again and that their illusions will be trampled underfoot.

We have to admit that we feel vulnerable when we show ourselves naked, with no secrets, which is why we try to avoid it at all costs. The fear of pain is more powerful than the courage to show yourself as you are. And even if you lose a part of yourself every time you hide, you feel it’s the best option to protect yourself. That’s what you internalized.

Perhaps time will help you lose those fears that haunt you. Perhaps the world will change and women will no longer be trophies for victorious wolves. Perhaps by then skin will be skin only, a place to caress, not a shield against the bad things in life.

Two people holding their heads together and sharing their souls

To truly love, we must share our soul

If someone really loves you, they must reach your soul. He needs to see every corner you hide in the folds of your skin. He needs to see the fears and stories you’ve been through. You are not just a beautiful body. You are a canvas painted with stories, full of words and built in the safety of hugs full of love, shaped by the blows of life’s difficulties. It’s not just your scars that make you unique, no matter how large they may seem when you run your fingers over their jagged surfaces.

Don’t forget your worth, even if life blows you and trips you a thousand times. You get up, shake off the dust and keep going.

Your fears can alienate those who come into your life with good intentions. However, we must not forget that patience will always pay off for those who actually possess it. In the end, time always drops our masks, then the people close to us can really embrace us.

At that moment, for all those people, your fears will disappear and your skin will become transparent, with underneath a true reflection of the person you are. Because you don’t always have to hide. Just find the right place to show yourself; that place and those people will not hurt you, they will make you stronger. 

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