May All That Is Good Find You And Stay With You

May all that is good follow you, find you, embrace you and stay with you. And may the rest pass you by. That challenging moments happen in your life, even if it’s just to teach you a lesson.

That you take every lesson you learn to heart and shape every stone in your path. That you dot every ‘i’ and cross every ‘t’. That you stumble and fall. That you draw an ellipse with each new beginning when hard times come. That you get the chance to grow and live.

May you be aware of all good and all evil. May you learn from the experience that everything good in life gets messy. That it is better to live with enthusiasm, looking at the horizon. That the best way to stay safe is to fear mediocrity.

May everything run smoothly, even if you are sometimes threatened by time. May you always, in some way, be able to start all over again from scratch. May your achievements deserve to be celebrated and your failures to be re-conceptualized.


Remember that shadows and demons can also be embraced. That sadness is also a good thing, because it helps you to express yourself and appreciate your desires. That it is possible to have fear on your side.

Don’t let anyone punish you for your sensitivity and remember that crying is not synonymous with weakness. Sensitive communication requires candor. Disapproving of your feelings instead of expressing them is a mistake for which you may pay a heavy price. Knowing this, you should see that sensitivity is a gift, for living from the heart is what makes you special and authentic.

Reject absolute truths, so avoid words like “never,” “all,” or “none” in making categorical statements. Try to understand that life is a rainbow and seeing in black and white is not good for anyone.

Remember that love does not beg and if you have to beg, it is not love. Keep in mind that hurtful relationships are the norm these days and you should explore what your relationship is contributing to you.

Know that it should matter who is part of your life and that in reality no one has a complete lack of time. Remember that and don’t forget that  if you don’t feel interested, you are free to distance yourself from them. Don’t feel guilty about this.

Remember that resilience, self-control and assertiveness are the three most important psychological skills you can develop. Don’t give up, give yourself some space and say ‘no’ when you have to.

Remember that time is both eternal and impermanent. That there are no magical solutions or flawless recipes to heal the soul’s anxieties. Because in the end it’s about asking for tequila and salt to life when it pushes lemons on you.

Don’t be afraid if you want to be alone. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t feel like talking or socializing. Accept that  we all have to reserve a piece of our souls for ourselves  and that this is not a bad thing, it is very necessary and encouraging. And understand and respect others when they do this.


Lean on the shoulders of your loved ones so that when they hug you, they destroy all your fears. Remember that some places cannot be found on any map. They are in our homes, in the arms of the people we love and who love us. The same people who help us write passages about our history.

Don’t be sad when you think about the people who decided to leave. Remembering them is a sign that you have a memory and a life. Appreciate your memory, your qualities and your health. Remember, in a few years, these things will be really important.

Do not trust someone who takes you away from yourself, your desires and your ambitions. Live your life by the clock and do not lose sight of the fact that life passes and it is more important to live it than to make other plans.

But, above all, love it with all you have in you. Don’t do it half-heartedly, don’t just be ‘good’ at it. Do it with everything in your power. Love others, love life and love yourself. Please don’t lose yourself in trivial matters. Give shape and meaning to your life. Remember that every minute, every little thing counts and you are able to fly much higher than you currently do.

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