Maybe You Are In Your Comfort Zone

Maybe you are in your comfort zone

We all like to feel safe and calm in our lives. We like to have steadfastness and to feel like we have everything under control.

But sometimes we value this feeling too much because we are afraid of changes. We miss many opportunities, life lessons and experiences. In these cases, we can say that we spend too much time in our comfort zone.

We miss out on experiences, which would certainly make us feel happier if we just dared to experience them. Why? Because  every time we overcome a new challenge, no matter how small it may seem, our self-confidence goes up. We learn, we grow and we mature as humans.

It’s like standing at the edge of the pool and not daring to jump because the water is so cold, when everyone is already swimming in it and having fun. Until someone pushes you in and you say, “Oh, this is lovely, why didn’t I go in sooner?” Well, that’s how you get out of your comfort zone.


How do you get out of your comfort zone?

You are afraid of new challenges

If you don’t want to bungee jump, why do it anyway? But if you want to, why don’t you? That’s the difference between being in your comfort zone and not being.

If we want to do something but don’t do it out of fear or if we deny ourselves something we want in exchange for the constant sense of security where we were, we are in our comfort zone.

You want to move forward in a certain area, but you hold yourself back

If you want to take a trip on your own, you dream about it. If you want to chat with that person you find attractive,  but don’t, because the fear and security you already know paralyze you. Then you are without a doubt in your comfort zone.

Your body gives you the proof

When you do something new that you enjoy, your hands start to sweat, you feel butterflies in your stomach, you feel a little nauseous…

Our bodies also warn us about these changes. It is sometimes so selfish that it even helps to paralyze us. You can always change your perspective – listen to your body’s signals, but don’t assume that your body is omniscient.

You don’t feel good about yourself

If you don’t dive in, you won’t feel good about yourself later. You feel guilty for not taking up the challenge.

Feelings of guilt are associated with looking to the past and sometimes also with victimization. It can also be an indication that we are in our comfort zone.

How do you get out of your comfort zone?

1. Take on a new challenge

As small as they seem, give yourself small challenges.

Do you want to travel, but are you afraid because you suffer from a condition, other problems or have you never been on an airplane? Then choose a shorter journey and then a slightly larger one and then a slightly larger one… You will see that you overcome each obstacle little by little.

2. Take risk without fear

We all have to take certain precautions, that’s clear, but it’s also true  that life should be lived and not you.

Take the risk of the person you like saying “no” to you. Try that new position you’ve been offered, even if you don’t think you’re good enough for it, even if you could be fired…

When that’s all over, even if you think you’ve failed because of all the times you’ve been told “no,” remember that it’s actually not right:  these weren’t failures, they were victories.

You have become stronger. You can handle new challenges better. You can handle rejection because that’s part of life. Knowing how to welcome it as a friend is another challenge to overcome.

Comfort Zone and Challenge

3. Read about emotional intelligence

We are often stuck with outdated thoughts. Reading opens up new worlds and a helpful topic is emotional intelligence.

You will start to see a lot of things in a different light. You may start to value things that don’t really matter, you may feel happier and so on.

4. Learn from people with emotional intelligence

There are many people who have an innate emotional intelligence. Just spending a little time with them will make you feel “as good as new”. Do not lose touch with them and absorb their experiences.

5. And above all: don’t get overwhelmed, take it step by step

Take your time. You are in no rush. Each of us has our own rhythm of life. The important thing is that you move forward with the things you want and desire.

And remember… stability can give you peace of mind, but there will come a time when it will limit you and keep you from moving forward. Take risks and face situations so that you can achieve your goals. Leave your comfort zone!

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