Merlí, A Very Different Television Series

Are you looking for a groundbreaking, politically incorrect and unique television series? Then Merlí is the perfect series for you. Who could have ever thought that a television series would popularize philosophy? After all, we are in an era where we are all moving at a fast pace and where we don’t think deeply about things.
Merlí, a completely different television series

There have never been so many television series to watch at the same time as there are now. To be fair, though, it’s no longer really accurate to call them “TV” series. All these new streaming platforms, movies, reality shows and documentaries have completely changed our understanding of what a series can be. Merlí  is a great example.

In that massive influx of choices, there is one series that has managed to educate, motivate, entertain and amuse people.

However, what this series has mainly done is appeal to the emotional side of the viewers. More series have done that, but it is really unprecedented that it happens with a main character who is a philosophy teacher. So that’s the case with Merlí.

Merlí  brings philosophy to the people

People unfamiliar with philosophy often consider it dull and extremely boring or too theoretical. One of the great things about this series is that philosophy is something you see, apply and feel when you watch. In this television program it is not just something you read about or theorize about.

Many people regard philosophy as the mother of all modern doctrines that seek knowledge. After all, it talks about life and asks all kinds of questions that other disciplines also ask.

So what better way to teach philosophy than life itself? In this case, they do it according to the main character. The name of the series comes from this character. Another great aspect of the program is that each episode over the three seasons is based on a specific philosophical teaching.

Each episode presents the main ideas or theories of a specific philosopher without losing any meaning of the story content. Merlí  will provide you with a much more dynamic understanding of philosophy than you are probably used to.

It’s like life itself

This is an obvious tragicomedy. The main character, Merlí (played by Francesc Orella) appears to be a burnt out philosophy teacher. He is often immature and sensitive. He also expresses an annoying sense of masculinity. Yet he is also authentic, wise and provocative.

Much of what happens in this series has to do with the other main characters, his students. As the series progresses, you will see more of the light and darkness in the lives of many students.

What makes Merlí different as a teacher, among other things, is that he mixes his personal life with the lives of all his students. It is one of the countless examples of his being politically incorrect.

Moreover , it is also an example of the way in which he questions social boundaries and society in general. In this series, teacher-student relationships go beyond the walls of the classroom.

Laughter, trembling, tears, frustration…that’s what this series will bring about in you. It’s hugely realistic. Plus, it breaks any sense of predictability that characterizes really nicely rounded characters.

Merlí  as a character

The main challenge for a series with a single main character is that it has to be really well constructed. The way the designers built Merlí as a character is almost perfect. In fact, they have managed to create a “hero” with characteristics that are completely opposite to the archetype of the classic hero.

You can tell he is brave and courageous. However, he is also cowardly and immature. On an emotional level he goes in all directions, but deep down he is also noble.

Thanks to his lack of moral hypocrisy (probably one of the most striking things about him) he will have you glued to the screen. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll always agree with him.

Taken from life

Life and death, illness, love, drugs, friendship… these are just a few of the topics covered in this unique series. Because of who he is, however, Merlí approaches them without being overly serious or dramatic.

They are just part of life for him. Whatever you’re going through, you should try to deal with it as best you can. His bond with each student is so special because he has a teenage side that is so natural. That helps him connect with his class and with the people who see him on screen.

However , it has not so much to do with his way of speaking or his interests. It’s something in his attitude. The effect also comes from his hedonism and irresponsible behavior.

In fact, this is a series that drags you along without you even realizing it. The series has also managed to popularize some things. Reflection, critical thinking, acceptance, knowledge and philosophy, things we really need right now. Well done, Merli!

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